Yoshinari Nishiki

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Yoshinari Nishiki.jpg

Yoshinari Nishiki (JP) is an artist based in Rotterdam. His work explores the entanglement of economics and ecology. He has also been working under the name Inari Wishiki.

Yoshinari is the founder of Technology Of Future Utopia (TOFU). TOFU currently focuses on artistic intervention into logistics and economic systems. In 2018, they moved a potato mountain by cycle food courier service Deliveroo (Overture: Carrying Power - TodaysArt 2018).

Between 2011-2012 Yoshinari was an intern artist/researcher at FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) in Liverpool where he developed various projects including Inari Card. In 2014, Yoshinari completed his MA in Interactive Media: Critical Theory and Practice under Graham Harwood and Matthew Fuller at Goldsmiths, University of London. There he developed projects such as Banana Multiplier and Homing Pigeon Unused Train Ticket Delivery System.

Yoshinari was part of FACT's 2013 exhibition Time and Motion: Redefining Working Life and presented at its symposium at The Royal College of Art. The subsequent project Ma-po Man was selected to be presented at V&A Digital Futures: Disobedient Objects at The White Building, London in 2014.

Yoshinari also has a background in Augmented Reality, serving as a Web Chair at SUI 2016 - the 4th ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction in Tokyo, and presenting Augmented Tree Climbing at ACE 2016 - the 13th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology in Osaka.

Since 2013 Yoshinari is part of the Bristol-based collective Irational.org.

