Lisa Blackman

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Lisa Blackman (1965) is co-Head of the Department of Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London. She works at the intersection of body studies, critical psychology and media and cultural theory and is particularly interested in subjectivity, affect, the body and embodiment. She has published four books in this area. The most recent is Immaterial Bodies: Affect, Embodiment, Mediation (2012, Sage). Her work in the area of embodiment and voice hearing has been recognized and commended for its innovative approach to mental health research and it has been acclaimed by the Hearing Voices Network, Intervoice, and has been taken up in professional psychiatric contexts. This includes her book, Hearing Voices: Embodiment and Experience (Free Association Books, 2001). She has also made a substantive contribution to the fields of critical psychology and body studies. In this context she co-edits the journal, Subjectivity (with Valerie Walkerdine, Palgrave) and edits the journal Body & Society (Sage).



  • Hearing Voices: Embodiment and Experience, Free Association Books, 2001.
  • with Valerie Walkerdine, Mass Hysteria: Critical Psychology and Media Studies, Palgrave, 2001.


  • Subjectivity (with Valerie Walkerdine), Palgrave.
  • Body & Society, Sage.
Journal issues
  • with John Cromby, Derek Hook, Dimitris Papadopoulos and Valerie Walkerdine, Subjectivity 22: "Creating Subjectivities", 2008. Introduction.

Papers, essays

