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'''Étienne Souriau''' (April 26, 1892 – November 19, 1979) was a French philosopher, best known for his work in aesthetics.
'''Étienne Souriau''' (26 April 1892, Lille 19 November 1979, Paris) was a French philosopher, best known for his work in aesthetics and filmology.
Souriau was Professor at the University of Aix-en-Provence (1925-29), then in Lyon, and from 1941 at Sorbonne. In 1948, together with Charles Lalo and Raymond Bayer he founded the journal ''Revue d'esthétique''. [http://www.ruor.uottawa.ca/bitstream/10393/23435/1/Chartier_Yves_1986_La_musique_dans_la_Revue_desthetique.pdf]
Only a few of his texts were translated into English, including [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1949_Time_in_the_Plastic_Arts.pdf|"Time in the Plastic Arts"]] (1949), [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1950_1952_The_Cube_and_the_Sphere.pdf|"The Cube and the Sphere"]] (1952), and [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1955_A_General_Methodology_for_the_Scientific_Study_of_Aesthetic_Appreciation.pdf|"A General Methodology for the Scientific Study of Aesthetic Appreciation"]] (1955). The most extensive English-language introductions to his work to date are [[#VitryMaubrey1985|Vitry Maubrey 1985]] and [[#Latour2011|Latour 2011]]. 2015 saw the first translation of his ''[[#Souriau1943|The Different Modes of Existence]]''.
(in French unless noted)
(in French unless noted otherwise)
; Books
* ''L'Abstraction sentimentale'', Paris, 1925; new ed., Paris: PUF, 1951.
[[Image:Souriau_Etienne_Les_Differents_modes_d_existence_2009.jpg|thumb|258px|''Les différents modes d'existence'', 1943/2009, [http://ge.tt/api/1/files/7p16eLC2/0/blob?download PDF], [http://mega.co.nz/#!4RpAiDRZ!SbdzLfJFiCIZ4kaVuEirM4G0SrHmfHD8xKZOnsMeHNE PDF].]]
* ''Pensée vivante et perfection formelle'', Paris, 1925; new ed., Paris: PUF, 1952.
* ''Pensée vivante et perfection formelle'', Paris: Hachette, 1925, xv+308 pp; new ed., Paris: PUF, 1952. Principal doctoral thesis. Review: [http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/phlou_0776-555x_1927_num_29_13_2463_t1_0110_0000_2 Pialat] (1927).
* ''L'Avenir de l'esthétique: essai sur l'objet d'une science naissante'', Paris: PUF, 1929.
* ''Art et vérité'', Paris: Alcan, 1933.
* ''L'Abstraction sentimentale'', Paris: Hachette, 1925, v+144 pp; new ed., Paris: PUF, 1951. Secondary doctoral thesis. Review: [http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/phlou_0776-555x_1927_num_29_15_2479_t1_0365_0000_3 Pialat] (1927).
* ''L'Avenir de l'esthétique: essai sur l'objet d'une science naissante'', Paris: Alcan, 1929, viii+403 pp. Review: [http://www.jstor.org/stable/23910851 Couissin] (1929).
** [The Future of Aesthetics], trans. Celesta Pirwitz, 1976. Unpublished typescript. [http://www.worldcat.org/title/future-of-aesthetics/oclc/43398004] {{en}}
** partial trans. in ''I percorsi delle forme'', Milan: B. Mondadori, 1997, pp 156-165 & 388-394. {{it}}
* ''Avoir une âme'', Paris: Belles-Lettres, 1939.
* ''Avoir une âme'', Paris: Belles-Lettres, 1939.
* ''L'Instauration philosophique'', Paris: PUF, 1939.
* ''L'Instauration philosophique'', Paris: PUF, 1939.
* ''Les Différents modes d'existence'', Paris: PUF, 1943; new ed., intro. Isabelle Stengers and Bruno Latour, 2009. [http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=9AB8D09290CC3D68BFAD81F593A0B75C]
* ''La Correspondance des arts'', Paris: Flammarion, 1947.
* {{a|Souriau1943}} ''Les Différents modes d'existence'', Paris: Alcan, 1943, 166 pp; [http://ge.tt/api/1/files/7p16eLC2/0/blob?download new ed.], intro. Isabelle Stengers and Bruno Latour, Paris: PUF, 2009, 220 pp. [http://www.puf.com/Autres_Collections:Les_diff%C3%A9rents_modes_d'existence] Reviews: [http://www.jstor.org/stable/20840945 Sangiolo] (1945), [http://www.lemonde.fr/livres/article/2009/11/12/metaphysiques-cannibales-d-eduardo-viveiros-de-castro-et-les-differents-modes-d-existence-suivi-de-de-l-oeuvre-a-faire-d-etienne-souriau_1266056_3260.html Keck] (2009).
* ''Les Fonctions psychologiques des œuvres d’après Meyerson'', Paris: PUF, 1948.
** ''[[Media:Souriau_Etienne_Die_verschiedenen_Modi_der_Existenz.pdf|Die verschiedenen Modi der Existenz]]'', intro. Isabelle Stengers and Bruno Latour, trans. Thomas Wäckerle, Lüneburg: meson press, 2015, 224 pp. [http://meson.press/books/die-verschiedenen-modi-der-existenz/] {{de}}
** ''[http://monoskop.org/log/?p=16631 The Different Modes of Existence]'', trans. Erik Beranek and Tim Howles, Minneapolis: Univocal, 2015, 240 pp, [http://aaaaarg.fail/ref/8dc1a6656687cb77cc128f80d4910146#0.01 ARG]. {{en}}
** ''I differenti modi di esistenza e altri testi sull'ontologia dell'arte'', trans. Filippo Domenicali, Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis, 2017, 298 pp. {{it}}
** ''Los diferentes modos de existencia: seguido por Del modo de existencia de la obra por hacer'', trans. Sebastián Puente, Buenos Aires: Cactus, 2017, 251 pp. {{es}}
* ''La Correspondance des arts'', Paris: Flammarion, 1947; new ed. as ''La Correspondance des arts, science de l'homme: éléments d'esthétique comparée'', Paris: Flammarion, 1969, 320 pp.
** Etjen Surio, ''[[Media:Surio_Etjen_Odnos_medu_umetnostima_Problemi_uporedne_estetike.pdf|Odnos među umetnostima: problemi uporedne estetike]]'', trans. Miloš Jovanović, Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1958, 296 pp. {{sc}}
** ''La correspondencia de las artes: elementos de estética comparada'', trans. Margarita Nelken, México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1965, 353 pp. {{es}}
** ''La corrispondenza delle arti'', trans. Raffaele Milani, Firenze: Alinea, 1988. {{it}}
* ''Les Deux cent mille situations dramatiques'', Paris: Flammarion, 1950.
* ''Les Deux cent mille situations dramatiques'', Paris: Flammarion, 1950.
* with Charles Lalo and P. Le Goupils, ''Esthétique industrielle'', Paris: PUF, 1952.
** Etjen Surio, ''[[Media:Surio_Etjen_Dvesta_hiljada_dramskih_situacija.pdf|Dvesta hiljada dramskih situacija]]'', trans. Mira Vuković, Belgrade: Nolit, 1982. {{sr}}
* editor, ''L'Univers filmique'', Paris: Flammarion, 1953.
** ''As duzentas mil situações dramáticas'', São Paulo: Atica, 1993, 230 pp. {{br-pt}}
* ''L'Ombre de dieu'', Paris: PUF, 1955.
* ''Les Grands problèmes de l’esthétique théâtrale'', Paris: Centre de documentation universitaire, 1956.
* with Charles Lalo and P. Le Goupils, ''Esthétique industrielle'', Paris: PUF, 1952, 190 pp. Consists of articles from ''Revue d'esthétique'', Jul-Dec 1951.
* ''La Condition humaine vue à travers l’art'', Paris: Centre de documentation universitaire, 1956.
* ''Les Catégories esthétiques'', Paris: Centre de documentation universitaire, 1956.
* editor, ''L'Univers filmique'', Paris: Flammarion, 1953, 210 pp. Anthology of texts from the filmology movement.
* ''Les Structures de l’œuvre d’art'', Paris: Centre de documentation universitaire, 1956.
* ''La Poésie française et la peinture'', 1966.
* ''L'Ombre de dieu'', Paris: PUF, 1955. Commentary: [http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/phlou_0035-3841_1988_num_86_69_6485 Declève] (1988).
* ''La Correspondance des arts, science de l'homme: éléments d'esthétique comparée'', Paris: Flammarion, 1969.
* ''Le Sens artistique des animaux'', Paris: Hachette, 1965.
** ''Il senso artistico degli animali'', trans. M. Porro, Milan: Mimesis, 2002. {{it}}
* ''La Poésie française et la peinture'', London: Athlone Press, 1966, 52 pp. Lecture.
* ''Clefs pour l'esthétique'', Paris: Seghers, 1970.
* ''Clefs pour l'esthétique'', Paris: Seghers, 1970.
* ''La Couronne d'herbes'', 1975.
* ''La couronne d'herbes. Esquisse d'une morale sur des bases purement esthétiques'', Paris: U.G.E., 1975.
* ''L'Avenir de la philosophie'', Paris: Gallimard, 1982.
* ''L'Avenir de la philosophie'', Paris: Gallimard, 1982.
* editor, ''Vocabulaire d'esthétique'', Paris: PUF, 1990, 1408 pp; ed. Anne Souriau, Paris: PUF, 2004. Review: [http://www.erudit.org/revue/philoso/1991/v18/n2/027163ar.pdf Gravel] (1991).
; Articles
* ''Vocabulaire d'esthétique'', ed. Anne Souriau, Paris: PUF, 1990, 1408 pp; Paris: PUF, 2004. Review: [http://www.erudit.org/revue/philoso/1991/v18/n2/027163ar.pdf Gravel] (1991), [http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/phlou_0035-3841_1993_num_91_91_6814_t1_0513_0000_2 Pascale] (1993).
* [http://scribd.com/doc/237496106 "Time in the Plastic Arts"], trans. Marjorie Kupersmith, ''The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism'' 7:4 (Jun 1949), pp 294-307. {{en}}
** ''Encyklopedie estetiky'', Prague: Victoria Publishing, 1994, 939 pp. {{cz}}
** ''Diccionario Akal de estética'', trans. Ismael Grasa Adé, et al., rev. Fernando Castro Flórez, Madrid: Akal, 1998, 1087 pp. [http://books.google.com/books?id=Z9rH7cPw-yoC&printsec=frontcover] {{es}}
; Courses at Sorbonne
* ''Les Grands problèmes de l’esthétique théâtrale'', Paris: C.D.U., 1956, 101 pp.
** ''Estetica del teatro'', trans. & ed. C. Cappelletto, Milan: Mimesis, 2015. {{it}}
* ''Les Structures de l’œuvre d’art'', Paris: C.D.U., 1956, 109 pp.
* ''La Condition humaine vue à travers l’art'', Paris: C.D.U., 1962?.
* ''L'Évolution du besoin esthétique à travers les ages'' [1960-61], Paris: C.D.U., 1964, 107 pp.
* ''Les Catégories esthétiques'', Paris: C.D.U., 1966, 107 pp.
* ''Les structures maîtresses de l'oeuvre d'art'', Paris: C.D.U., 1966, 109 pp.
===Selected articles===
* [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1927_L_Algorithme_musical.pdf|"L'Algorithme musical"]], ''Revue philosophique'' 104 (Jul-Dec 1927), pp 204-241.
* with M. Bourgarel and Maurice Blondel, [[Media:Souriau_Bourgarel_Blondel_1928_L_instant.pdf|"L'instant"]], ''Les Études philosophiques'' 2:2/3 (Nov 1928), pp 96-102.
* [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1931_Esthetique_musicale.pdf|"Esthétique musicale"]], ''Revue philosophique'' 111 (Jan-Jun 1931), pp 454-459.
* [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1933_Art_et_verite.pdf|"Art et verité"]], ''Revue philosophique'' 115 (Jan-Jun 1933), pp 161-201.
* "Le Hasard, les equilibres cosmiques et les perfections singulières", ''Les études Philosophiques'' 15:1 (1941), pp 13-15.
** [http://academia.edu/4334442 "Chance, Cosmic Equilibriums and Singular Perfections"], trans. Kris Pender, n.d. {{en}}
* "Nature et limite des contributions positives de l'Esthétique à la Filmologie", ''Revue internationale de filmologie'' 1:1 (Jul-Aug 1947), pp 47-64.
** [http://www.montage-av.de/pdf/121_2003/12_1_Etienne_Souriau_Beitraege_der_Aesthetik_zur_Filmologie.pdf "Beiträge der Ästhetik zur Filmologie - ihre Natur und Grenzen"], trans. Frank Kessler, ''montage/av'' 12:1 (2003), pp 72-93. {{de}}
* "Étude critique: Les fonctions psychologiques et les œuvres d’après I. Meyerson", ''Journal de Psychologie Normale et Psychologique'' 41 (1948), pp 480-481.
* [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1948_La_culture_et_le_respect_des_cultures.pdf|"La culture et le respect des cultures"]], ''Les Etudes philosophiques'' 3:2 (1948), pp 226-230.
* "Le cube et le sphere", in ''Architecture et dramaturgie'', ed. A. Villiers, Paris: Flammarion, 1950, pp 63-83. An address delivered at Sorbonne on 9 Dec 1948, before the Center of Philosophical and Technical Studies in the Theatre.
** [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1950_1952_The_Cube_and_the_Sphere.pdf|"The Cube and the Sphere"]], trans. Claude P. Viens, ''Educational Theatre Journal'' 4:1 (Mar 1952), pp 11-18. {{en}}
* [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1949_Time_in_the_Plastic_Arts.pdf|"Time in the Plastic Arts"]], trans. Marjorie Kupersmith, ''The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism'' 7:4 (Jun 1949), pp 294-307; repr. in ''Reflections on Art: A Source Book of Writings by Artists, Critics and Philosophers'', ed. Susanne K. Langer, John Hopkins Press, 1958, pp 122-141. {{en}}
* "La structure de l'univers filmique", ''Revue internationale de filmologie'' 2:7-8 (1951), pp 231-240.
** [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1951_1977_Die_Struktur_des_filmischen_Universums_und_das_Vokabular_der_Filmologie.pdf|"Die Struktur des filmischen Universums und das Vokabular der Filmologie"]], trans. Frank Kessler, ''montage/av'' 6:2 (1997), pp 140-157. [http://www.montage-av.de/pdf/062_1997/06_2_Etienne_Souriau_Die_Struktur_des_filmischen_Universums.pdf] {{de}}
* [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1954_Art_et_philosophie.pdf|"Art et Philosophie"]], ''Revue philosophique'' 144 (1954), pp 1-21.
* [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1954_Charles_Lalo_1877-1953.pdf|"Charles Lalo (1887-1953)"]], ''Revue philosophique'' 144 (1954), pp 171-173.
* [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1955_A_General_Methodology_for_the_Scientific_Study_of_Aesthetic_Appreciation.pdf|"A General Methodology for the Scientific Study of Aesthetic Appreciation"]], trans. Van Meter Ames, ''The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism'' 14:1 (Sep 1955), pp 1-18. [http://www.jstor.org/stable/426638] {{en}}
* [http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/enfan_0013-7545_1957_num_10_3_1364 "Culture et cinéma"], ''Enfance'' 10:3 (1957), pp 373-375.
* [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1961_Esthetique_La_part_de_la_contemplation.pdf|"La part de la contemplation"]], ''Revue philosophique'' 151 (1961), pp 179-200.
* [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1968_L_esthetique_et_l_artiste_contemporain.pdf|"L'esthétique et l'artiste contemporain"]], ''Leonardo'' 1:1 (Jan 1968), pp 63-68.
* "L'intervention des machines dans la création artistique", in Souriau, et al., ''Approches de l'art. Mélanges d'esthétique et de sciences de l'art offerts à Arsène Soreil'', Brussels: La Renaissance du Livre, 1973.
* [[Media:Souriau_Etienne_1975_Du_genie_en_philosophie.pdf|"Du génie en philosophie"]], ''Revue philosophique'' 165:2 (Apr-Jun 1975), pp 129-146.
* [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89tienne_Souriau#Articoli more]
* [http://www.ladeleuziana.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Bibliografia-di-Etienne-Souriau.pdf Compiled by Filippo Domenicali]
* Luce de Vitry Maubrey, "Etienne Souriau's cosmic vision and the coming-into-its-own of the Platonic Other", ''Man and World'' 18:3 (1985), pp 325-345. [http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01248817#page-1] {{en}}
* Mikel Dufrenne, ''Phénoménologie de l'expérience esthétique'', Paris: PUF, 1953.
** ''[[Media:Dufrenne_Mikel_Phenomenology_of_Aesthetic_Experience_1953_1973.pdf|Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience]]'', trans. Edward S. Casey, et al., Northwestern University Press, 1973. {{en}}
* Henry Corbin, ''Alone With the Alone: Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn 'Arabi'' [1958], Princeton University Press, 1969; 1997, pp 290-293. {{en}} Compares Qur'anic ta'wil (esoteric interpretation) to Souriau's account of transition from virtual existence to supraexistence.
* Ngô-Tiêng-Hiên, [http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/phlou_0035-3841_1971_num_69_1_5589 "Art et vérité dans l'œuvre d'Étienne Souriau"], ''Revue Philosophique de Louvain'' 69:1 (1971), pp 73-91.
* Luce de Vitry Maubrey, ''La pensée cosmologique d'Étienne Souriau'', Paris: Klinsieck, 1974.
* Cecile Cloutier, ''[http://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/bitstream/11375/9397/1/fulltext.pdf L'Esthétique d'Etienne Souriau]'', McMaster University, 1977. Thesis.
* ''Revue d'esthétique'' 3-4: "L'Art instaurateur", Paris: U.G.E., 1980. Special issue on Souriau.
* Christian Metz, "Sur un profil d'Etienne Souriau," ''Revue d'esthétique'' 3-4 (1980), pp 143-160.
** "A Profile of Etienne Souriau", ''On Film'' 12 (Spring 1984), pp 5-8. {{en}}
* {{a|VitryMaubrey1985}} Luce de Vitry Maubrey, [[Media:Vitry_Maubrey_Luce_de_1985_Etienne_Souriaus_Cosmic_Vision_and_the_Coming-Into-Its-Own_of_the_Platonic_Other.pdf|"Etienne Souriau's Cosmic Vision and the Coming-Into-Its-Own of the Platonic Other"]], ''Man and World'' 18:3 (1985), pp 325-345. {{en}}
* Frank Kessler, [http://www.montage-av.de/pdf/062_1997/06_2_Frank_Kessler_Souriau_und_das_Vokabular.pdf "Etienne Souriau und das Vokabular der filmologischen Schule"], ''montage/av'' 6:2 (1997), 132-139. {{de}}
* Bruno Latour, [http://www.bruno-latour.fr/sites/default/files/98-SOURIAU-FR.pdf "Sur un livre d'Etienne Souriau ''Les Différents modes d'existence''"], n.d.
* Bruno Latour, [http://www.bruno-latour.fr/sites/default/files/98-SOURIAU-FR.pdf "Sur un livre d'Etienne Souriau ''Les Différents modes d'existence''"], n.d.
** [http://www.bruno-latour.fr/sites/default/files/downloads/98-SOURIAU-GRAHAM-GB.pdf "Reflections on Etienne Souriau's Les différents modes d'existence"], trans. Stephen Muecke, in ''The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism'', eds. Bryant, Srnicek and Harman, Melbourne: re.press, 2011. {{en}}
** {{a|Latour2011}} [http://www.re-press.org/book-files/OA_Version_Speculative_Turn_9780980668346.pdf#page=314 "Reflections on Etienne Souriau's Les différents modes d'existence"], trans. Stephen Muecke, in ''The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism'', eds. Bryant, Srnicek and Harman, Melbourne: re.press, 2011, pp 304-333. [http://www.bruno-latour.fr/sites/default/files/downloads/98-SOURIAU-GRAHAM-GB.pdf] {{en}}
* Leonard Lawlor, "A Note on the Relation between Étienne Souriau's ''L'Instauration philosophique'' and Deleuze and Guattari's ''What is Philosophy?''", ''Deleuze Studies'' 5:3 (2011), pp 400-406. [http://www.euppublishing.com/doi/abs/10.3366/dls.2011.0028] {{en}}
* Leonard Lawlor, "A Note on the Relation between Étienne Souriau's ''L'Instauration philosophique'' and Deleuze and Guattari's ''What is Philosophy?''", ''Deleuze Studies'' 5:3 (2011), pp 400-406. [http://www.euppublishing.com/doi/abs/10.3366/dls.2011.0028] {{en}}
* Yuk Hui, [http://digitalmilieu.net/?p=289 "On Latour and Simondon’s Mode of Existence"], ''Digital Milieu'' blog, Jan 2013. Lecture. {{en}}
* Fleur Courtois-L'heureux, Aline Wiame (eds.), ''Étienne Souriau. Une ontologie de l’instauration'', Paris: Vrin, 2015. [http://www.vrin.fr/book.php?code=9782711626304] {{fr}}
* [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89tienne_Souriau#Bibliografia_su_Souriau more]
==See also==
* [[Gilbert Simondon]]
* [[Alfred North Whitehead]]
* [http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Étienne_Souriau Souriau at French Wikipedia]
* [http://vimeo.com/74740766 Bruno Latour & Antoine Hennion: L'’Ange de l’œuvre. Étienne Souriau, from Aesthetics to an Ontology of Uncertain Beings], video from the lecture given at IKKM Weimar, Jun 2013. {{en}}
* [http://trivium.revues.org/3674 Short biography], ''Trivium''. {{fr}}

Revision as of 17:19, 2 February 2019

Étienne Souriau (26 April 1892, Lille – 19 November 1979, Paris) was a French philosopher, best known for his work in aesthetics and filmology.

Souriau was Professor at the University of Aix-en-Provence (1925-29), then in Lyon, and from 1941 at Sorbonne. In 1948, together with Charles Lalo and Raymond Bayer he founded the journal Revue d'esthétique. [1]

Only a few of his texts were translated into English, including "Time in the Plastic Arts" (1949), "The Cube and the Sphere" (1952), and "A General Methodology for the Scientific Study of Aesthetic Appreciation" (1955). The most extensive English-language introductions to his work to date are Vitry Maubrey 1985 and Latour 2011. 2015 saw the first translation of his The Different Modes of Existence.


(in French unless noted otherwise)


Les différents modes d'existence, 1943/2009, PDF, PDF.
  • Pensée vivante et perfection formelle, Paris: Hachette, 1925, xv+308 pp; new ed., Paris: PUF, 1952. Principal doctoral thesis. Review: Pialat (1927).
  • L'Abstraction sentimentale, Paris: Hachette, 1925, v+144 pp; new ed., Paris: PUF, 1951. Secondary doctoral thesis. Review: Pialat (1927).
  • L'Avenir de l'esthétique: essai sur l'objet d'une science naissante, Paris: Alcan, 1929, viii+403 pp. Review: Couissin (1929).
    • [The Future of Aesthetics], trans. Celesta Pirwitz, 1976. Unpublished typescript. [2] (English)
    • partial trans. in I percorsi delle forme, Milan: B. Mondadori, 1997, pp 156-165 & 388-394. (Italian)
  • Avoir une âme, Paris: Belles-Lettres, 1939.
  • L'Instauration philosophique, Paris: PUF, 1939.
  • Les Différents modes d'existence, Paris: Alcan, 1943, 166 pp; new ed., intro. Isabelle Stengers and Bruno Latour, Paris: PUF, 2009, 220 pp. [3] Reviews: Sangiolo (1945), Keck (2009).
    • Die verschiedenen Modi der Existenz, intro. Isabelle Stengers and Bruno Latour, trans. Thomas Wäckerle, Lüneburg: meson press, 2015, 224 pp. [4] (German)
    • The Different Modes of Existence, trans. Erik Beranek and Tim Howles, Minneapolis: Univocal, 2015, 240 pp, ARG. (English)
    • I differenti modi di esistenza e altri testi sull'ontologia dell'arte, trans. Filippo Domenicali, Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis, 2017, 298 pp. (Italian)
    • Los diferentes modos de existencia: seguido por Del modo de existencia de la obra por hacer, trans. Sebastián Puente, Buenos Aires: Cactus, 2017, 251 pp. (Spanish)
  • La Correspondance des arts, Paris: Flammarion, 1947; new ed. as La Correspondance des arts, science de l'homme: éléments d'esthétique comparée, Paris: Flammarion, 1969, 320 pp.
    • Etjen Surio, Odnos među umetnostima: problemi uporedne estetike, trans. Miloš Jovanović, Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1958, 296 pp. (Serbo-Croatian)
    • La correspondencia de las artes: elementos de estética comparada, trans. Margarita Nelken, México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1965, 353 pp. (Spanish)
    • La corrispondenza delle arti, trans. Raffaele Milani, Firenze: Alinea, 1988. (Italian)
  • Les Deux cent mille situations dramatiques, Paris: Flammarion, 1950.
    • Etjen Surio, Dvesta hiljada dramskih situacija, trans. Mira Vuković, Belgrade: Nolit, 1982. (Serbian)
    • As duzentas mil situações dramáticas, São Paulo: Atica, 1993, 230 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • with Charles Lalo and P. Le Goupils, Esthétique industrielle, Paris: PUF, 1952, 190 pp. Consists of articles from Revue d'esthétique, Jul-Dec 1951.
  • editor, L'Univers filmique, Paris: Flammarion, 1953, 210 pp. Anthology of texts from the filmology movement.
  • L'Ombre de dieu, Paris: PUF, 1955. Commentary: Declève (1988).
  • Le Sens artistique des animaux, Paris: Hachette, 1965.
    • Il senso artistico degli animali, trans. M. Porro, Milan: Mimesis, 2002. (Italian)
  • La Poésie française et la peinture, London: Athlone Press, 1966, 52 pp. Lecture.
  • Clefs pour l'esthétique, Paris: Seghers, 1970.
  • La couronne d'herbes. Esquisse d'une morale sur des bases purement esthétiques, Paris: U.G.E., 1975.
  • L'Avenir de la philosophie, Paris: Gallimard, 1982.
  • Vocabulaire d'esthétique, ed. Anne Souriau, Paris: PUF, 1990, 1408 pp; Paris: PUF, 2004. Review: Gravel (1991), Pascale (1993).
    • Encyklopedie estetiky, Prague: Victoria Publishing, 1994, 939 pp. (Czech)
    • Diccionario Akal de estética, trans. Ismael Grasa Adé, et al., rev. Fernando Castro Flórez, Madrid: Akal, 1998, 1087 pp. [5] (Spanish)
Courses at Sorbonne
  • Les Grands problèmes de l’esthétique théâtrale, Paris: C.D.U., 1956, 101 pp.
    • Estetica del teatro, trans. & ed. C. Cappelletto, Milan: Mimesis, 2015. (Italian)
  • Les Structures de l’œuvre d’art, Paris: C.D.U., 1956, 109 pp.
  • La Condition humaine vue à travers l’art, Paris: C.D.U., 1962?.
  • L'Évolution du besoin esthétique à travers les ages [1960-61], Paris: C.D.U., 1964, 107 pp.
  • Les Catégories esthétiques, Paris: C.D.U., 1966, 107 pp.
  • Les structures maîtresses de l'oeuvre d'art, Paris: C.D.U., 1966, 109 pp.

Selected articles



See also
