Andrea Palladio

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I quattro libri dell'architettura, 1570, JPGs, PDF.

Andrea Palladio (30 November 1508 – 19 August 1580) was an Italian architect active in the Republic of Venice.


  • I quattro libri dell'architettura, Venice: D. De Franceschi, 1570; Venice, 1581, UBH. (Italian)
    • Les quatre livres de l'architecture, trans. Roland Fréart de Chambray, Paris: E. Martin, 1650, BVH; new ed., transcr. into modern French, Paris: Flammarion, 1980; new ed., 1997. (French)
    • Los quatro libros de arquitectura, trans. Joseph Francisco Ortiz y Sanz, Madrid: Imprenta Real, 1797; repr., Madrid: Akal, 2008. (Spanish)
    • Die vier Bücher zur Architektur, trans. & eds. Andreas Beyer and Ulrich Schütte, Zurich and Munich: Artemis, 1983, 470 pp. New trans. of 1570 edition. (German)
    • The Four Books on Architecture, trans. Robert Tavernor and Richard Schofield, MIT Press, 1997, 472 pp. [1] (English) First EN trans. since Isaac Ware's 1738.