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A lecture series held between January and March 1997 at Backspace, London.

NET ART - wednesday january 29 1997 * SECRET CONFERENCE *

pit schultz - netlab, berlin, germany
stef - art on underground, london, uk
alexei shulgin - moscow wwwart, moscow, russia
dirk & joan -, barcelona, spain
olia lialina - cinefantom, moscow, russia
keith de mendonca - disembodied gallery, brighton, uk
kathy rae huffman - pop~TARTS, vienna, austria
eva wohlgemuth - digest of diana, vienna, austria
diana mccarty - intermedia, budapest, hungary
andreas broeckmann - parasitological aesthetics, rotterdam, netherlands
terry taylor - watershed, bristol, uk
cornelia sollfrank - innen, hamburg, germany
rasa & raitis smite - e-l@b, riga, latvia
john hayward - message in a bottle, london, uk
heath bunting - silicon graphics, london, uk
carey young - fertile teritory/air mosaic, london, uk
daniel pflumm - electro, berlin, germany
suzie - hiss, orphan drift, london, uk
robin peperil - interactive culture mix, hex, london, uk
rachel baker - Tescoª, london, uk
graham harwood - filth+trash+ignorance, national heritage, london, uk
mark pawson - old-school net art, london, uk
Luka Frelih - ljudmila, ljubljana, slovenia
jon banes - obsolete games, london, uk

NET RELIGION - 7pm wednesday february 26 1997

peter lambourn wilson - millenium, autonomedia, new york, usa
hari kunzru - london, uk
james flint - TRON, london, uk
toshiya veno - tokyo, japan

NET POLITICS - 5 pm wednesday march 26 1997

steve kurtz - crictical art ensemble, usa
felipe rodriquez - xs4all, amsterdam, the netherlands
james wallbank - redundant technology initiative, sheffield, uk
alexandre iordachescu - artamis, geneva, switzerland.
josh oppenhiem - network infiltration, usa
roddy hunter - monitoring insurgence, hull, uk
richard barbrook - anarchism as totalitarianism, hyper media research, london, uk
alesio quarzo cerina - Cynicism and the Cyborg, london, uk
alistair jeffs - 1997 UK General Election, london, uk
geert lovink - nettime, amsterdam, netherlands.
martin kavanaugh - v.tea, london, uk
ashely - pirate radio, london, uk
daniel garcia andujar - technologies for the people, spain
Barbara Strebel - travelers heath and public access, the thing, basel, switzerland
Villš Huszai - connectivity as a shape of relativity, basel, switzerland