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* ''[https://monoskop.org/log/?p=16909 Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science]'', New York and London: Routledge, 1989; London: Verso, 1992.
* ''[https://monoskop.org/log/?p=16909 Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science]'', New York and London: Routledge, 1989; London: Verso, 1992.
* ''Ling zhang lei shi jue: Xian dai ke xue shi jie zhong de xing bie,Zhong zu he zi ran'' [灵长类视觉: 现代科学世界中的性别,种族和自然], Zheng zhou: He nan da xue chu ban she, 2017, 1053 pp. {{cn}}
** ''Ling zhang lei shi jue: Xian dai ke xue shi jie zhong de xing bie,Zhong zu he zi ran'' [灵长类视觉: 现代科学世界中的性别,种族和自然], Zheng zhou: He nan da xue chu ban she, 2017, 1053 pp. {{cn}}
* ''[http://monoskop.org/log/?p=717 Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature]'', London: Free Association, 1991, 287 pp.
* ''[http://monoskop.org/log/?p=717 Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature]'', London: Free Association, 1991, 287 pp.
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* ''[[Media:Haraway_Donna_J_Modest_Witness_Second_Millennium_1997.pdf|Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium.FemaleMan©_Meets_Oncomouse™: Feminism and Technoscience]]'', New York and London: Routledge, 1997, 361 pp; [http://library.memoryoftheworld.org/#/book/667b6605-8b5f-4cb7-be88-2bf3af42383a 2nd ed.], Routledge, 2018, xlvii+374 pp. Review: [http://www.jstor.org/stable/190264 Miller & Varney] (Gender & Soc).
* ''[[Media:Haraway_Donna_J_Modest_Witness_Second_Millennium_1997.pdf|Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium.FemaleMan©_Meets_Oncomouse™: Feminism and Technoscience]]'', New York and London: Routledge, 1997, 361 pp; [http://library.memoryoftheworld.org/#/book/667b6605-8b5f-4cb7-be88-2bf3af42383a 2nd ed.], Routledge, 2018, xlvii+374 pp. Review: [http://www.jstor.org/stable/190264 Miller & Varney] (Gender & Soc).
** ''Monströse Versprechen: Coyote-Geschichten zu Feminismus und Technowissenschaft'', trans. Michael Haupt, intro. Frigga Haug, Hamburg and Berlin: Argument, 1995, 215 pp; 2nd ed. as ''Monströse Versprechen: die Gender- und Technologie-Essays'', Hamburg: Argument, 2006, 215 pp. {{de}}
** ''Monströse Versprechen: Coyote-Geschichten zu Feminismus und Technowissenschaft'', trans. Michael Haupt, intro. Frigga Haug, Hamburg and Berlin: Argument, 1995, 215 pp; 2nd ed. as ''Monströse Versprechen: die Gender- und Technologie-Essays'', Hamburg: Argument, 2006, 215 pp. {{de}}
** ''_Testimone_Modesta@ Femminismo e tecnoscienza_'', intro. Liana Borghi, Milan: Feltrinelli, 2000. {{it}} [http://xoomer.virgilio.it/raccontarsi/presentazioni2006/borghi1.pdf Introduction].
** ''_Testimone_Modesta@ Femminismo e tecnoscienza_'', intro. Liana Borghi, Milan: Feltrinelli, 2000. [http://xoomer.virgilio.it/raccontarsi/presentazioni2006/borghi1.pdf Introduction]. {{it}}
** ''Testigo_Modesto@Segundo_Milenio. HombreHembra©_Conoce_Oncoratón®'', UOC, 2004. {{es}}
** ''Testigo_Modesto@Segundo_Milenio. HombreHembra©_Conoce_Oncoratón®'', UOC, 2004. {{es}}
* ''[http://monoskop.org/log/?p=5158 The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness]'', Prickly Paradigm Press, 2003, 112 pp.
* ''[http://monoskop.org/log/?p=5158 The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness]'', Prickly Paradigm Press, 2003, 112 pp.
** ''Manifeste des espèces de compagnie'', Éclat, 2010. {{fr}}
** ''Manifeste des espèces de compagnie'', trans. Jerome Hansen, Paris: Éclat, 2010, 110 pp; new ed., pref. Vinciane Despret, Paris: Climats, 2019, 157 pp. {{fr}}
** ''Das Manifest der Gefährten: wenn Spezies sich begegnen. Hunde, Menschen und signifikante Andersartigkeit'', trans. Jennifer Sophia Theodor, afterw. Fahim Amir, Berlin: Merve, 2016, 128 pp. {{de}}
** ''Das Manifest der Gefährten: wenn Spezies sich begegnen. Hunde, Menschen und signifikante Andersartigkeit'', trans. Jennifer Sophia Theodor, afterw. Fahim Amir, Berlin: Merve, 2016, 128 pp. {{de}}
** ''Manifiesto de las especies de compañía'', trans. Isabel Mellén, Vitoria-Gasteiz: Sans Soleil, 2016, 178 pp. {{es}}
** ''Manifiesto de las especies de compañía'', trans. Isabel Mellén, Vitoria-Gasteiz: Sans Soleil, 2016, 178 pp. {{es}}
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* ''[http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=D03CE9317330FDF1AF9E02C350E641A5 Manifestly Haraway]'', University of Minnesota Press, 2016, 336 pp. Collects "A Cyborg Manifesto" (1985) and "The Companion Species Manifesto" (2003), accompanied by a conversation between Haraway and Cary Wolfe.
* ''[http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=D03CE9317330FDF1AF9E02C350E641A5 Manifestly Haraway]'', University of Minnesota Press, 2016, 336 pp. Collects "A Cyborg Manifesto" (1985) and "The Companion Species Manifesto" (2003), accompanied by a conversation between Haraway and Cary Wolfe.
** ''Haereowei seoneonmun'' [해러웨이 선언문: 인간과 동물과 사이보그에 관한 전복적 사유], Seoul: Chaek Sesang, 2019. [https://www.aladin.co.kr/shop/ebook/wPreviewViewer.aspx?itemid=200426401] {{ko}}
* {{a|Haraway2016}} ''[https://monoskop.org/log/?p=18121 Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene]'', Duke University Press, 2016, xv+296 pp, [http://library.memoryoftheworld.org/#/book/28b96c96-daf7-4ed1-81bf-141a27879d5d PDF, EPUB]. Reviews: [https://radicalantipode.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/book-review_davies-on-haraway.pdf Archie Davies] (Antipode), [http://savageminds.org/2016/11/18/staying-with-the-trouble-making-kin-in-the-chthulucene-review/ Matt Thompson] (Savage Minds).
* {{a|Haraway2016}} ''[https://monoskop.org/log/?p=18121 Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene]'', Duke University Press, 2016, xv+296 pp, [http://library.memoryoftheworld.org/#/book/28b96c96-daf7-4ed1-81bf-141a27879d5d PDF, EPUB].  
** "Jeux de ficelles avec les esp.ces compagne: Remains avec le trouble", trans. Vinciane Despret, in ''Les animaux: deux ou trois choses que nous savons d'eux'', eds. Vinciane Despret and Larrére Raphaël, Paris: Hermann, 2014. Trans. of chapter 1 ("Playing String Figures with Companion Species: Staying with the Trouble"). {{fr}}
** "Jeux de ficelles avec les esp.ces compagne: Remains avec le trouble", trans. Vinciane Despret, in ''Les animaux: deux ou trois choses que nous savons d'eux'', eds. Vinciane Despret and Larrére Raphaël, Paris: Hermann, 2014. Trans. of chapter 1 ("Playing String Figures with Companion Species: Staying with the Trouble"). {{fr}}
** ''At lege snorefigurer med ledsagende arter: At blive i besværet'', trans. Ida Bencke and Dea Antonsen, Copenhagen: Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology, 2017. Trans. of chapter 1 ("Playing String Figures with Companion Species: Staying with the Trouble"). [http://www.labae.org/publications/donna-haraway-at-lege-snorefigurer-med-ledsagende-arter-at-blive-i-besvret] {{da}}
** ''At lege snorefigurer med ledsagende arter: At blive i besværet'', trans. Ida Bencke and Dea Antonsen, Copenhagen: Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology, 2017. Trans. of chapter 1 ("Playing String Figures with Companion Species: Staying with the Trouble"). [http://www.labae.org/publications/donna-haraway-at-lege-snorefigurer-med-ledsagende-arter-at-blive-i-besvret] {{da}}
** ''Unruhig bleiben. Die Verwandtschaft der Arten im Chthuluzän'', trans. Karin Harrasser, Frankfurt: Campus, 2018, 350 pp. {{de}}
** ''[https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5b3f29b79ff37c29f1622bdd Unruhig bleiben. Die Verwandtschaft der Arten im Chthuluzän]'', trans. Karin Harrasser, Frankfurt: Campus, 2018, 350 pp. {{de}}
** ''[https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5fac20fe9ff37c639f2e81c0 Seguir con el problema: generar parentesco en Chthuluceno]'', trans. Helen Torres, Bilbao: Consonni, 2019, 365 pp. [https://worldcat.org/title/oclc/1161684167] {{es}}
** ''Vivre avec le trouble'', trans. Vivien García, Vaulx-en-Velin: Les éditions des mondes à faire, 2020, 375 pp. {{fr}}
* editor, with Adele Clarke, ''Making Kin Not Population: Reconceiving Generations'', Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, 2018, 120 pp. [https://www.prickly-paradigm.com/titles/Making-Kin-not-Population.html]
* editor, with Adele Clarke, ''Making Kin Not Population: Reconceiving Generations'', Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, 2018, 120 pp. [https://uwethicsofcare.gws.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TallBear-Making-Love-and-Relations-Beyond-Settler-Sex-and-Family.pdf Excerpt]. Review: [https://sci-hub.se/10.1093/isle/isz097 Angierski] (ISLE). [https://www.prickly-paradigm.com/titles/Making-Kin-not-Population.html]
===Cyborg Manifesto===
===Cyborg Manifesto===
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** [http://www.cyberfeminisme.org/txt/cyborgmanifesto.htm "Manifeste cyborg: science, technologies et féminisme socialiste à la fin du XXe siècle"], trans. Marie-Hélène Dumas, Charlotte Gould and Nathalie Magnan, in ''Connexions: art media réseaux'', eds. Nathalie Magnan and Annick Bureaud, Paris: Ecole Nationale Supèrieure des Beaux-arts, 2002; repr. in Haraway, ''[http://scribd.com/doc/141130596 Le Manifeste cyborg et autres essais. Sciences - Fictions - Féminismes]'', eds. Laurence Allard, Delphine Gardey and Nathalie Magnan, Paris: Exils, 2007, pp 29-105. Trans. of the 1985 version. {{fr}}
** [http://www.cyberfeminisme.org/txt/cyborgmanifesto.htm "Manifeste cyborg: science, technologies et féminisme socialiste à la fin du XXe siècle"], trans. Marie-Hélène Dumas, Charlotte Gould and Nathalie Magnan, in ''Connexions: art media réseaux'', eds. Nathalie Magnan and Annick Bureaud, Paris: Ecole Nationale Supèrieure des Beaux-arts, 2002; repr. in Haraway, ''[http://scribd.com/doc/141130596 Le Manifeste cyborg et autres essais. Sciences - Fictions - Féminismes]'', eds. Laurence Allard, Delphine Gardey and Nathalie Magnan, Paris: Exils, 2007, pp 29-105. Trans. of the 1985 version. {{fr}}
** ''[[Media:Haraway_Donna_Siborg_manifestosu_2006.pdf|Siborg manifestosu: geç yirminci yüzyılda bilim, teknoloji ve sosyalist-feminizm]]'', trans. Osman Akınhay, Istanbul: Agora Kitaplığı, 2006. Trans. of the 1991 version. {{tr}}
** ''[[Media:Haraway_Donna_Siborg_manifestosu_2006.pdf|Siborg manifestosu: geç yirminci yüzyılda bilim, teknoloji ve sosyalist-feminizm]]'', trans. Osman Akınhay, Istanbul: Agora Kitaplığı, 2006. Trans. of the 1991 version. {{tr}}
** [[Media:Haravey Donna 1980 2012 Manifest kiborhiv nauka tekhnolohiyi ta sotsialistychnyy feminizm.pdf|"Manifest kiborhiv: nauka, tekhnolohiyi ta sotsialistychnyy feminizm"]] [Маніфест кіборгів: наука, технології та соціалістичний фемінізм: Іронічна мрія про спільну мову жінок в інтегральній схемі], trans. Nadiya Parfan, ''Politychna krytyka'' [Політична критика], 2012. Trans. of excerpt. {{uk}}
** [https://monoskop.org/images/d/d8/Bendova_Helena_Strnad_Matej_eds_Spolecenske_vedy_a_audiovize_2014.pdf#page=535 "Kyborgský manifest: věda, technologie a socialistický feminismus"], trans. Jakub Marek, in ''Společenské vědy a audiovize'', eds. Helena Bendová and Matěj Strnad, Prague: NAMU, 2014. {{cz}}
** [https://monoskop.org/images/d/d8/Bendova_Helena_Strnad_Matej_eds_Spolecenske_vedy_a_audiovize_2014.pdf#page=535 "Kyborgský manifest: věda, technologie a socialistický feminismus"], trans. Jakub Marek, in ''Společenské vědy a audiovize'', eds. Helena Bendová and Matěj Strnad, Prague: NAMU, 2014. {{cz}}
** "Manifesto ciborgue: ciência, tecnologia e feminismo-socialista no final do século XX", in ''Pensamento feminista: conceitos fundamentais'', ed. Heloísa Buarque de Hollanda, Rio de Janeiro: Bazar do Tempo, 2019. {{br-pt}}
** ''Et cyborgmanifest: naturvidenskab, teknologi og socialistisk feminisme i det sene tyvende århundrede'', trans. Ole Lindegård Henriksen, Copenhagen: Mindspace, 2020, 119 pp. [https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cyborgmanifest:_Naturvidenskab,_teknologi_og_socialistisk_feminisme_i_det_sene_tyvende_%C3%A5rhundrede] {{da}}
===Selected works===
===Selected works===
* ''Manifesto Cyborg. Donne, tecnologie e biopolitiche del corpo'', trans. & notes Liana Borghi, intro. Rosi Braidotti, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1995, 194 pp; 2nd ed., 1999. {{it}}
* ''Manifesto Cyborg. Donne, tecnologie e biopolitiche del corpo'', trans. & notes Liana Borghi, intro. Rosi Braidotti, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1995, 194 pp; 2nd ed., 1999. {{it}}
* ''[[Media:Haraway_Donna_The_Haraway_Reader_2003.pdf|The Haraway Reader]]'', London: Routledge, 2003, 416 pp.
* ''[[Media:Haraway_Donna_The_Haraway_Reader_2003.pdf|The Haraway Reader]]'', London: Routledge, 2003, 416 pp.
* ''[http://scribd.com/doc/141130596 Le Manifeste cyborg et autres essais. Sciences - Fictions - Féminismes]'', eds. Laurence Allard, Delphine Gardey and Nathalie Magnan, Paris: Exils, 2007, 333 pp. {{fr}}
* ''[http://scribd.com/doc/141130596 Le Manifeste cyborg et autres essais. Sciences - Fictions - Féminismes]'', eds. Laurence Allard, Delphine Gardey and Nathalie Magnan, Paris: Exils, 2007, 333 pp. {{fr}}
* ''Habiter le trouble avec Donna Haraway'', eds. Florence Caeymaex, Vinciane Despret, and Julien Piéron, Bellevaux: Dehors, 2019, 377 pp. Selected essays. {{fr}}
* ''Las promesas de los monstruos: ensayos sobre ciencia, naturaleza y otros inadaptables'', trans. Jorge Fernández Gonzalo, Barcelona: España Holobionte, 2019, 301 pp. Selected essays. {{es}}
===Essays (selection)===
===Essays (selection)===
* "The High Cost of Information in Post World War II Evolutionary Biology: Ergonomics, Semiotics, and the Sociobiology of Communications Systems", ''Philosophical Forum'' 13:2-3 (Winter/Spring 1981-82), pp 244-278.
* "The High Cost of Information in Post World War II Evolutionary Biology: Ergonomics, Semiotics, and the Sociobiology of Communications Systems", ''Philosophical Forum'' 13:2-3, Winter/Spring 1981-1982, pp 244-278.
* "Signs of Dominance: From a Physiology to a Cybernetics of Primate Society, C.R. Carpenter, 1930-1970", in ''Studies in History of Biology, Vol. 6'', eds. William Coleman and Camille Limoges, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982, pp 129-219.
* "Signs of Dominance: From a Physiology to a Cybernetics of Primate Society, C.R. Carpenter, 1930-1970", in ''Studies in History of Biology, Vol. 6'', eds. William Coleman and Camille Limoges, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982, pp 129-219.
* [[Media:Haraway Donna 1984 Teddy Bear Patriarchy Taxidermy in the Garden of Eden New York City 1908-1936.pdf|"Teddy Bear Patriarchy: Taxidermy in the Garden of Eden, New York City, 1908-1936"]], ''Social Text'' 11, Winter 1984-1985, pp 20-64.
** ''El Patriarcado del osito Teddy: taxidermia en el jardín del Edén'', intro. Carmen Romero Bachiller, trans. Ander Gondra Aguirre, Barcelona: Sans Soleil, 2015, 148 pp. {{es}}
* [[Media:Haraway_Donna_1988_Situated_Knowledges_The_Science_Question_in_Feminism_and_the_Privilege_of_Partial_Perspective.pdf|"Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective"]], ''Feminist Studies'' 14:3, Autumn 1988, pp 575-599.
* [[Media:Haraway_Donna_1988_Situated_Knowledges_The_Science_Question_in_Feminism_and_the_Privilege_of_Partial_Perspective.pdf|"Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective"]], ''Feminist Studies'' 14:3, Autumn 1988, pp 575-599.
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==Interviews, discussions==
==Interviews, discussions==
* ''[http://monoskop.org/log/?p=15419 How Like a Leaf: An Interview with Thyrza Nichols Goodeve]'', Routledge, 1999, 197 pp. Reviews: [http://technorhetoric.net/5.1/reviews/scott/index.html Scott] (Kairos 2000), [http://sci-hub.tw/doi/10.2307/4316832 Bourguignon] (NWSAJ 2001).
* ''[http://monoskop.org/log/?p=15419 How Like a Leaf: An Interview with Thyrza Nichols Goodeve]'', Routledge, 1999, 197 pp. Reviews: [http://technorhetoric.net/5.1/reviews/scott/index.html Scott] (Kairos 2000), [http://sci-hub.se/doi/10.2307/4316832 Bourguignon] (NWSAJ 2001).
** ''Thyrza Nichols Goodeve intervista Donna J. Haraway, Come una Foflia'', trans. Gina Maneri, Milan: Tartaruga, 1999. {{it}}
** ''Thyrza Nichols Goodeve intervista Donna J. Haraway, Come una Foflia'', trans. Gina Maneri, Milan: Tartaruga, 1999. {{it}}
** ''Opice, Kiborgi In Zenske: reinvencija Narave'', trans. Tina Potrato, Ljubljana: SOU, Snudentska zalozba, 1999. {{sl}}
** ''Opice, Kiborgi In Zenske: reinvencija Narave'', trans. Tina Potrato, Ljubljana: SOU, Snudentska zalozba, 1999. {{sl}}
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* ''[http://digitalcollections.ucsc.edu/cdm/ref/collection/p265101coll13/id/3786 Edges and Ecotones: Donna Haraway's Worlds at UCSC: An Oral History]'', ed. Irene Reti, University of Santa Cruz Library, 2007, 106 pp.
* ''[http://digitalcollections.ucsc.edu/cdm/ref/collection/p265101coll13/id/3786 Edges and Ecotones: Donna Haraway's Worlds at UCSC: An Oral History]'', ed. Irene Reti, University of Santa Cruz Library, 2007, 106 pp.
* [https://monoskop.org/images/4/4d/Davis_Heather_Turpin_Etienne_eds_2015_Art_in_the_Anthropocene.pdf#page=269 "Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulhucene: Donna Haraway in Conversation with Martha Kenney"], in ''Art in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Aesthetics, Politics, Environments and Epistemologies'', eds. Heather Davis and Etienne Turpin, Open Humanities Press, 2015, pp 229-244.
* [https://monoskop.org/images/4/4d/Davis_Heather_Turpin_Etienne_eds_2015_Art_in_the_Anthropocene.pdf#page=269 "Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulhucene: Donna Haraway in Conversation with Martha Kenney"], in ''Art in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Aesthetics, Politics, Environments and Epistemologies'', eds. Heather Davis and Etienne Turpin, Open Humanities Press, 2015, pp 229-244.
* with Noboru Ishikawa, Gilbert Scott, Kenneth Olwig, Anna L. Tsing, and Nils Bubandt, [http://sci-hub.tw/10.1080/00141844.2015.1105838 "Anthropologists Are Talking – About the Anthropocene"], ''Ethnos'' 81:3, 2016, pp 535-564.
* with Noboru Ishikawa, Gilbert Scott, Kenneth Olwig, Anna L. Tsing, and Nils Bubandt, [http://sci-hub.se/10.1080/00141844.2015.1105838 "Anthropologists Are Talking – About the Anthropocene"], ''Ethnos'' 81:3, 2016, pp 535-564.
* Sarah Franklin, [[Media:Franklin_Sarah_2017_Staying_with_the_Manifesto_An_Interview_with_Donna_Haraway.pdf|"Staying with the Manifesto: An Interview with Donna Haraway"]], ''Theory, Culture & Society'', 28 Mar 2017, 15 pp.
* Sarah Franklin, [[Media:Franklin_Sarah_2017_Staying_with_the_Manifesto_An_Interview_with_Donna_Haraway.pdf|"Staying with the Manifesto: An Interview with Donna Haraway"]], ''Theory, Culture & Society'', 28 Mar 2017, 15 pp.
* Gregg Mitman, [http://edgeeffects.net/haraway-tsing-plantationocene/ "Reflections on the Plantationocene: A Conversation with Donna Haraway and Anna Tsing"], ''Edge Effects'', 18 Jun 2019, [[Media:Reflections_on_the_Plantationocene_A_Conversation_with_Donna_Haraway_and_Anna_Tsing_2019.pdf|PDF]].
* Gregg Mitman, [http://edgeeffects.net/haraway-tsing-plantationocene/ "Reflections on the Plantationocene: A Conversation with Donna Haraway and Anna Tsing"], ''Edge Effects'', 18 Jun 2019, [[Media:Reflections_on_the_Plantationocene_A_Conversation_with_Donna_Haraway_and_Anna_Tsing_2019.pdf|PDF]].
* Moira Weigel, [https://logicmag.io/nature/a-giant-bumptious-litter/ "A Giant Bumptious Litter: Donna Haraway on Truth, Technology, and Resisting Extinction"], ''Logic'' 9: "Nature", 7 Dec 2019.
* Moira Weigel, [https://logicmag.io/nature/a-giant-bumptious-litter/ "A Giant Bumptious Litter: Donna Haraway on Truth, Technology, and Resisting Extinction"], ''Logic'' 9: "Nature", 7 Dec 2019.
* with Marta Segarra, ''El món que necessitem / The World We Need'', Barcelona: CCCB, 2019, 108 pp. {{ca}}/{{en}}
** ''El mundo que necesitamos: Donna Haraway dialoga con Marta Segarra'', Barcelona: Icaria, 2020, 82 pp. {{es}}
* Rosi Braidotti (ed.), ''Poste restante feministische berichten aan het postmoderne: naar aanleiding van Donna Haraway's Een cyborg manifest'', Kampen: Kok Agora, 1994, 157 pp. {{nl}}
* N. Katherine Hayles, [http://faculty.georgetown.edu/irvinem/theory/Hayles-UnfinishedWork.pdf "Unfinished Work: From Cyborg to Cognisphere"], ''Theory, Culture & Society'' 23:7-8 (2006), pp 159-166.
* N. Katherine Hayles, [http://faculty.georgetown.edu/irvinem/theory/Hayles-UnfinishedWork.pdf "Unfinished Work: From Cyborg to Cognisphere"], ''Theory, Culture & Society'' 23:7-8 (2006), pp 159-166.
* Elsa Dorlin, Éva Rodriguez (eds.), ''Penser avec Donna Haraway'', Paris: PUF, 2012, 248 pp. [http://www.puf.com/Autres_Collections:Penser_avec_Donna_Haraway] {{fr}}
* Elsa Dorlin, Éva Rodriguez (eds.), ''Penser avec Donna Haraway'', Paris: PUF, 2012, 248 pp. [http://www.puf.com/Autres_Collections:Penser_avec_Donna_Haraway] {{fr}}
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* McKenzie Wark, [http://www.publicseminar.org/2016/06/kith/ "Make Kith Not Kin!"], ''Public Seminar'', 24 Jun 2016.
* McKenzie Wark, [http://www.publicseminar.org/2016/06/kith/ "Make Kith Not Kin!"], ''Public Seminar'', 24 Jun 2016.
* Florence Caeymaex, Vinciane Despret, Julien Pieron (eds.), ''Habiter le trouble avec Donna Haraway'', Paris: Dehors, 2019, 384 pp. [http://www.editions-dehors.fr] {{fr}}
* Florence Caeymaex, Vinciane Despret, Julien Pieron (eds.), ''Habiter le trouble avec Donna Haraway'', Paris: Dehors, 2019, 384 pp. [http://www.editions-dehors.fr] {{fr}}
* Federica Timeto, ''Bestiario Haraway: per un femminismo multispecie'', Milan: Mimesis, 2020, 223 pp. With an interview with Haraway. [http://mimesisedizioni.it/bestiario-haraway.html] {{it}}
==Documentary film==
==Documentary film==

Revision as of 20:12, 12 January 2021

Born September 6, 1944(1944-09-06)
Denver, Colorado, United States
Web Aaaaarg, Wikipedia, Academia.edu, Open Library

Donna J. Haraway (1944) is a Distinguished Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz.


Primate Visions, 1989, Log, EPUB.
Simians, Cyborgs, and Women, 1991, Log, PDF.
The Companion Species Manifesto, 2003, Log.


  • Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature, London: Free Association, 1991, 287 pp.
    • Ciencia, cyborgs y mujeres. La reinvención de la naturaleza, trans. Manuel Talens, intro. Jorge Arditi, Fernando García Selgas and Jackie Orr, Madrid: Cátedra, 1995, 431 pp. (Spanish)
    • Die Neuerfindung der Natur. Primaten, Cyborgs und Frauen, Campus, 1995, 237 pp. (German)
    • Saru to onna to saibogu: Shizen no saihatsumei [猿と女とサイボーグ: 自然の再発明], Tokyo: Seidosha, 2000. (Japanese)
    • Des singes, des cyborgs et des femmes: La réinvention de la nature, trans. Oristelle Bonis, Jacqueline Chambon, 2009, 485 pp. (French)
  • Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium.FemaleMan©_Meets_Oncomouse™: Feminism and Technoscience, New York and London: Routledge, 1997, 361 pp; 2nd ed., Routledge, 2018, xlvii+374 pp. Review: Miller & Varney (Gender & Soc).
    • Monströse Versprechen: Coyote-Geschichten zu Feminismus und Technowissenschaft, trans. Michael Haupt, intro. Frigga Haug, Hamburg and Berlin: Argument, 1995, 215 pp; 2nd ed. as Monströse Versprechen: die Gender- und Technologie-Essays, Hamburg: Argument, 2006, 215 pp. (German)
    • _Testimone_Modesta@ Femminismo e tecnoscienza_, intro. Liana Borghi, Milan: Feltrinelli, 2000. Introduction. (Italian)
    • Testigo_Modesto@Segundo_Milenio. HombreHembra©_Conoce_Oncoratón®, UOC, 2004. (Spanish)
  • The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness, Prickly Paradigm Press, 2003, 112 pp.
    • Manifeste des espèces de compagnie, trans. Jerome Hansen, Paris: Éclat, 2010, 110 pp; new ed., pref. Vinciane Despret, Paris: Climats, 2019, 157 pp. (French)
    • Das Manifest der Gefährten: wenn Spezies sich begegnen. Hunde, Menschen und signifikante Andersartigkeit, trans. Jennifer Sophia Theodor, afterw. Fahim Amir, Berlin: Merve, 2016, 128 pp. (German)
    • Manifiesto de las especies de compañía, trans. Isabel Mellén, Vitoria-Gasteiz: Sans Soleil, 2016, 178 pp. (Spanish)
  • Manifestly Haraway, University of Minnesota Press, 2016, 336 pp. Collects "A Cyborg Manifesto" (1985) and "The Companion Species Manifesto" (2003), accompanied by a conversation between Haraway and Cary Wolfe.
    • Haereowei seoneonmun [해러웨이 선언문: 인간과 동물과 사이보그에 관한 전복적 사유], Seoul: Chaek Sesang, 2019. [1] (Korean)
  • Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Duke University Press, 2016, xv+296 pp, PDF, EPUB.
    • "Jeux de ficelles avec les esp.ces compagne: Remains avec le trouble", trans. Vinciane Despret, in Les animaux: deux ou trois choses que nous savons d'eux, eds. Vinciane Despret and Larrére Raphaël, Paris: Hermann, 2014. Trans. of chapter 1 ("Playing String Figures with Companion Species: Staying with the Trouble"). (French)
    • At lege snorefigurer med ledsagende arter: At blive i besværet, trans. Ida Bencke and Dea Antonsen, Copenhagen: Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology, 2017. Trans. of chapter 1 ("Playing String Figures with Companion Species: Staying with the Trouble"). [2] (Danish)
    • Unruhig bleiben. Die Verwandtschaft der Arten im Chthuluzän, trans. Karin Harrasser, Frankfurt: Campus, 2018, 350 pp. (German)
    • Seguir con el problema: generar parentesco en Chthuluceno, trans. Helen Torres, Bilbao: Consonni, 2019, 365 pp. [3] (Spanish)
    • Vivre avec le trouble, trans. Vivien García, Vaulx-en-Velin: Les éditions des mondes à faire, 2020, 375 pp. (French)
  • editor, with Adele Clarke, Making Kin Not Population: Reconceiving Generations, Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, 2018, 120 pp. Excerpt. Review: Angierski (ISLE). [4]

Cyborg Manifesto

Selected works

  • Manifesto Cyborg. Donne, tecnologie e biopolitiche del corpo, trans. & notes Liana Borghi, intro. Rosi Braidotti, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1995, 194 pp; 2nd ed., 1999. (Italian)
  • Habiter le trouble avec Donna Haraway, eds. Florence Caeymaex, Vinciane Despret, and Julien Piéron, Bellevaux: Dehors, 2019, 377 pp. Selected essays. (French)
  • Las promesas de los monstruos: ensayos sobre ciencia, naturaleza y otros inadaptables, trans. Jorge Fernández Gonzalo, Barcelona: España Holobionte, 2019, 301 pp. Selected essays. (Spanish)

Essays (selection)

  • "The High Cost of Information in Post World War II Evolutionary Biology: Ergonomics, Semiotics, and the Sociobiology of Communications Systems", Philosophical Forum 13:2-3, Winter/Spring 1981-1982, pp 244-278.
  • "Signs of Dominance: From a Physiology to a Cybernetics of Primate Society, C.R. Carpenter, 1930-1970", in Studies in History of Biology, Vol. 6, eds. William Coleman and Camille Limoges, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982, pp 129-219.
  • "Deanimations: Maps and Portraits of Life Itself", in Hybridity and its Discontents: Politics, Science, Culture, eds. Avtar Brah and Annie E. Coombes, London: Routledge, 2000.


Interviews, discussions

  • How Like a Leaf: An Interview with Thyrza Nichols Goodeve, Routledge, 1999, 197 pp. Reviews: Scott (Kairos 2000), Bourguignon (NWSAJ 2001).
    • Thyrza Nichols Goodeve intervista Donna J. Haraway, Come una Foflia, trans. Gina Maneri, Milan: Tartaruga, 1999. (Italian)
    • Opice, Kiborgi In Zenske: reinvencija Narave, trans. Tina Potrato, Ljubljana: SOU, Snudentska zalozba, 1999. (Slovenian)
    • "OncoMouse", trans. Laurence Rassel, Nadine Plateau, Maria Puig, and Nicolas Malevé, in Cyberfeminisme, Brussels: Constant vzw, 2001, pp 18-22. Trans. of pp 139-147. [8] (French)
    • "OncoMouse", trans. Sarah Scheepers, in Cyberfeminisme, Brussels: Constant vzw, 2001, pp 23-26. Trans. of pp 139-147. [9] (Dutch)
    • Como una hoja: una conversación con Thyrza N. Goodeve, trans. Matilde Pérez, intro. Helen Torres, Madrid: Continta Me Tienes, 2018, 199 pp. (Spanish)
  • with Marta Segarra, El món que necessitem / The World We Need, Barcelona: CCCB, 2019, 108 pp. (Catalan)/(English)
    • El mundo que necesitamos: Donna Haraway dialoga con Marta Segarra, Barcelona: Icaria, 2020, 82 pp. (Spanish)


  • Rosi Braidotti (ed.), Poste restante feministische berichten aan het postmoderne: naar aanleiding van Donna Haraway's Een cyborg manifest, Kampen: Kok Agora, 1994, 157 pp. (Dutch)
  • N. Katherine Hayles, "Unfinished Work: From Cyborg to Cognisphere", Theory, Culture & Society 23:7-8 (2006), pp 159-166.
  • Elsa Dorlin, Éva Rodriguez (eds.), Penser avec Donna Haraway, Paris: PUF, 2012, 248 pp. [10] (French)
  • Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky, Christoph F.E. Holzhey (eds.), Situiertes Wissen und regionale Epistemologie. Zur Aktualität Georges Canguilhems und Donna J. Haraways, Vienna/Berlin: Turia+Kant, 2013. Excerpt, [11]. (German)
  • Margret Grebowicz, Helen Merrick, Beyond the Cyborg: Adventures with Donna Haraway, epilogue Donna Haraway, Columbia University Press, 2013, 208 pp. Reviews: Samer, Agloro, Carlson (Ada 2013), Wolters (Critical-Theory 2013).
  • McKenzie Wark, "Blog-Post for Cyborgs", Public Seminar, 24 Sep 2015.
  • McKenzie Wark, "Make Kith Not Kin!", Public Seminar, 24 Jun 2016.
  • Florence Caeymaex, Vinciane Despret, Julien Pieron (eds.), Habiter le trouble avec Donna Haraway, Paris: Dehors, 2019, 384 pp. [12] (French)
  • Federica Timeto, Bestiario Haraway: per un femminismo multispecie, Milan: Mimesis, 2020, 223 pp. With an interview with Haraway. [13] (Italian)

Documentary film

  • Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival, dir. Fabrizio Terranova, 2016, 90 min. Trailer. [14]
