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FoAM is a transdisciplinary network working across art, science, nature and everyday life.

"Guided by the imperative grow your own worlds we create conditions, build tools, and facilitate the processes that encourage things to grow. We grow our own, cultivating minds, environments, organisations, collaborative techniques and governance structures. We grow worlds — immersive situations, participatory workshops, gameworlds, site-specific experiences and experiential scenarios. These worlds are situated in complex cultures and distinctive habitats, bound by physics and history, and populated with human and non-human characters. Together, we cultivate an ecology of practices to grapple with the intricate tangle of realities, from the convoluted legacies of the past, to the turbulent complexity of the present, and possible adjacent futures." (2024)

People: Maja Kuzmanovic, Nik Gaffney, and others.
