Gorazd Krnc

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Born 1973 in Ljubljana. Studied painting at the Academy for fine arts in Ljubljana (ALU) by prof. Metka Krašovec, prof. Janez Bernik and prof. Gustav Gnamuš. In 2003 he graduated there by prof. Srečo Dragan (video) and prof. Gustav Gnamuš (painting). Since 2003 he's been working in the cultural redaction of Radio študent and Mariborski radio študent. In 2004 he got a scholarship from Ministry for culture RS to continue study (video) at ALU by prof. Srečo Dragan. In 2006 he succesfully finished the program with a master thesis. Defence of his master thesis will be in Alcatraz Gallery on 19th of July 2007. He presents his artistic activities on several exhibitions at home and abroad.
