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'''György Lukács''' (13 April 1885 – 4 June 1971) was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher, aesthetician, literary historian, and critic. He was one of the founders of Western Marxism, an interpretive tradition that departed from the Marxist ideological orthodoxy of the USSR. He developed the theory of reification, and contributed to Marxist theory with developments of Karl Marx's theory of class consciousness.
'''György Lukács''' (13 April 1885 – 4 June 1971) was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher, aesthetician, literary historian, and critic. He developed the theory of reification, and contributed to Marxist theory with developments of Karl Marx's theory of class consciousness.
As a literary critic Lukács was especially influential, because of his theoretical developments of realism and of the novel as a literary genre. In 1919, he was the Hungarian Minister of Culture of the government of the short-lived Hungarian Soviet Republic (March–August 1919).
As a literary critic Lukács was especially influential, because of his theoretical developments of realism and of the novel as a literary genre. In 1919, he was the Hungarian Minister of Culture of the government of the short-lived Hungarian Soviet Republic (March–August 1919).
(in German unless noted otherwise)
; Monographs and Collected works
* ''Die Seele und die Formen. Essays'', Berlin: Egon Fleischel, 1911; Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2011.
** ''Soul and Form'', Columbia University Press, 2010, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/51c58bfe6c3a0eda0b2a8100 PDF]. {{en}}
* ''Die Theorie des Romans'',  Berlin: P. Cassirer, 1920; Hermann Luchterhand, 1968; Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2009, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/56dc137a9ff37c34c575d9f4 ARG].
** ''The Theory of the Novel: A Historico-Philosophical Essay on the Forms of Great Epic Literature'', trans. Anna Bostock, London: Merlin, 1962; MIT Press, 1971, [http://aaaaarg.fail/thing/51c5856f6c3a0e090cb10400 ARG], 1974, [http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=4C64F4C263DEAD7710C224430C099CBE PDF]. {{en}}
* ''Geschichte und Klassenbewußtsein. Studien über marxistische Dialektik'', 1923, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/51c58cf66c3a0edb0be00300 ARG].
** ''History and Class Consciousness'', London: Merlin, 1971; MIT Press, 1972, [http://monoskop.org/log/?p=535 Log]. {{en}}
* ''Lenin'', Vienna: Arbeiterbuchhandlung, 1924; repr., Hermann Luchterhand, 1967.
** ''Lenin: A Study on the Unity of His Thought'', trans. Nicholas Jacobs, London: New Left Books, 1970, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/525f1d953078889a0b000028 ARG]. {{en}}
* ''Der historische Roman'', 1937; rev.ed., 1954.
** ''The Historical Novel'', trans. Hannah and Stanley Mitchell, London: Merlin, 1962; Beacon Press 1963, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5733764e9ff37c3782f91803 ARG]. {{en}}
** ''Le Roman Historique'', [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5bf47de39ff37c1e4c622bc9 ARG]. {{fr}}
* ''Goethe und seine Zeit'', 1947, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5d6269149ff37c0705622bce ARG].
** ''Goethe and His Age'', London: Merlin, 1968, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/51c58dd26c3a0ec111291800 ARG]. {{en}}
* ''Der junge Hegel. Über die Beziehungen von Dialektik und Ökonomie'', 1948.
** ''The Young Hegel. Studies in the Relations between Dialectics and Economics'', trans. Rodney Livingstone, London: Merlin, 1975, [http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=CDAE5E07F4B9507AB40A20E1F03AD4C6 PDF], [http://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5966fd729ff37c0dbe001c53 ARG]. {{en}}
* ''Deutsche Literatur im Zeitalter des Imperialismus'', 1945, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5c839e9e9ff37c3566622bd8 ARG].
* ''Thomas Mann'', 1949.
** ''Essays on Thomas Mann'', London: Merlin, 1964, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/59d4e5fc9ff37c0dbe006d31 ARG]. {{en}}
* ''Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels als Literaturhistoriker'', 1947.
* ''Fortschritt und Reaktion in der deutschen Literatur'', 1947.
* ''Studies in European Realism'', London: Hillway, 1950, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5d23fb739ff37c2c61622be1 ARG]. {{en}}
* ''Existentialismus oder Marxismus'', 1951, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5c5315c79ff37c5517622bcb ARG].
** ''Existentialisme ou Marxisme'', [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5b7f3d559ff37c7d19622bce ARG]. {{fr}}
* ''Deutsche Realisten des 19. Jahrhunderts'', 1951, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5d72f6c69ff37c3571622bce ARG].
* ''Balzac und der französische Realismus (Literatur)'', 1952.
** ''Balzac et le réalisme français'', Maspero, 1969, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5d840e699ff37c6cdf622bd1 ARG]. {{fr}}
* ''Der russische Realismus in der Weltliteratur'', Berlin, 1952.
* ''Die Zerstörung der Vernunft'', Berlin, 1954.
** ''The Destruction of Reason'', London: Merlin, 1980, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/57510a279ff37c377ff92f57 ARG]. {{en}}
* ''Von Nietzsche zu Hitler oder der Irrationalismus und die deutsche Politik'', Berlin-Spandau, 1962.
* ''The Meaning of Contemporary Realism'', London: Merlin, 1963, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/562a8cb8334fe055ab6dde3a ARG]. {{en}}
* ''Solzhenitsyn'', 1969.
** ''Solzhenitsyn'', trans. William David Graf, London: Merlin, 1970, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5b7485b69ff37c625d622be6 ARG]. {{en}}
* ''Writer and Critic, and Other Essays'', ed. Arthur Kahn, London: Merlin, 1970, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5a692d4a9ff37c1bd509f91e ARG]. {{en}}
* ''Ontologie - Marx. Zur Ontologie des gesellschaftlichen Seins. Die Ontologischen Grundprinzipien bei Marx'', Luchterhand, 1972.
* ''Ästhetik'', 4 vols., 1972-76.
** ''Estetica'', Ediciones Grijalbo, [http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=2bc04f6440340f1393548ad1bb5d66a8 vol. 1], [http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=32af05a4e30343e8ee01b6d28593a66b vol. 2], [http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=867f043d226a140a9df12d2ee0b23112 vol. 3], [http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=5d85ce976341eabd34f06d5f459a6802 vol. 4]. {{es}}
* ''Conversations with Lukács'', ed. Theo Pinkus, London: Merlin, 1974. {{en}}
* ''Umění jako sebepoznání lidstva'', ed. Petr Rákos, trans. Růžena Grebeníčková, Prague: Odeon, 1976. {{cz}}
* with Adorno, Benjamin, Bloch and Brecht, ''Aesthetics and Politics'', 1977; London: Verso, 1980, 221 pp., [http://monoskop.org/log/?p=2091 Log]. {{en}}
* ''Zur Ontologie des gesellschaftlichen Seins. Hegels falsche und echte Ontologie'', Neuwied und Berlin/Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1971, 1973.
** ''The Ontology of Social Being'', London: Merlin, 1978-1980. {{en}}
*** Vol. 1, ''Hegel's False and His Genuine Ontology'', 1978, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/51c58bfe6c3a0eda0b988700 ARG].
*** Vol. 2, ''Marx's Basic Ontological Premises'', 1978, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/51c58bfe6c3a0eda0b998700 ARG].
*** Vol. 3, ''Labour'', 1980, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/51c58bfe6c3a0eda0b9a8700 ARG].
**** ''Ontologia existenței sociale'', trans. Radu Stoichiță and Vasile Zamfirescu, intro N. Tertulian, Bucharest: Politică, 1975, [[Media:Lukacs_Gyorgy_Ontologia_existenței_sociale_1975.pdf|PDF]], [http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=adb6947e28b481582d107c33983c3a3c PDF], [http://aaaaarg.fail/thing/596341b19ff37c0dbe00199b ARG]. {{ro}}
* ''Gelebtes Denken. Eine Autobiographie im Dialog'', ed. István Eörsi, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1981.
** ''Record of a Life: An Autobiography'', ed. István Eörsi, trans. Rodney Livingstone, London: Verso, 1983, 204 pp, [[Media:Lukacs Georg Record of a Life An Autobiography 1983.pdf|PDF]]. {{en}}
* ''The Culture of People's Democracy'', ed. Tyrus Miller, Leiden: Brill, 2012, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/526970633078889d24000047 ARG]. {{en}}
* ''Studies in European Realism'', London: Hillway, 1950.
* George Lichtheim, ''Lukacs'', London: Fontana Collins, 1970. {{en}}
* ''The Historical Novel'', London: Merlin, 1947, 1962.
* ''The Meaning of Contemporary Realism'', London: Merlin, 1955, 1963
* Michael J. Thompson (ed.), ''[http://monoskop.org/log/?p=2767 Georg Lukács Reconsidered: Critical Essays in Politics, Philosophy and Aesthetics]'', Continuum, 2011, 253 pp. {{en}}
* ''Essays on Thomas Mann'', London: Merlin, 1947, 1964.
* '' Goethe and His Age'', London: Merlin, 1947, 1968.
* ''Lenin'', London: New Left Books, 1924, 1970.
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gy%C3%B6rgy_Luk%C3%A1cs_bibliography At Wikipedia]
* ''Solzhenitsyn'', London: Merlin, 1969, 1970.
* Arthur Kahn (ed.), ''Writer and Critic, and Other Essays'', London: Merlin, 1970.
* ''History and Class Consciousness'', London: Merlin, 1923, 1970
* ''The Ontology of Social Being''
** vol. 1, ''Hegel's False and His Genuine Ontology'', London: Merlin, 1978
** vol. 2, '' Marx's Basic Ontological Premises'', London: Merlin, 1978
** vol. 3, ''Labour'', London: Merlin, 1980.
* István Eörsi (ed.), ''Record of a Life'', London: Verso, 1983.
* Tyrus Miller (ed.), ''The Culture of People's Democracy'', Leiden: Brill, 2012.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gy%C3%B6rgy_Luk%C3%A1cs
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gy%C3%B6rgy_Luk%C3%A1cs Lukács at Wikipedia]
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gy%C3%B6rgy_Luk%C3%A1cs_bibliography
* http://www.marxists.org/archive/lukacs
* http://www.marxists.org/archive/lukacs/index.htm
* http://libcom.org/tags/georg-lukacs
* http://libcom.org/tags/georg-lukacs
[[Category:Marxist aesthetics|Lukacs, Gyorgy]]
[[Category:Marxist aesthetics|Lukacs, Gyorgy]]

Revision as of 11:28, 8 December 2019

György Lukács (13 April 1885 – 4 June 1971) was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher, aesthetician, literary historian, and critic. He developed the theory of reification, and contributed to Marxist theory with developments of Karl Marx's theory of class consciousness.

As a literary critic Lukács was especially influential, because of his theoretical developments of realism and of the novel as a literary genre. In 1919, he was the Hungarian Minister of Culture of the government of the short-lived Hungarian Soviet Republic (March–August 1919).


(in German unless noted otherwise)

Monographs and Collected works
  • Die Seele und die Formen. Essays, Berlin: Egon Fleischel, 1911; Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2011.
    • Soul and Form, Columbia University Press, 2010, PDF. (English)
  • Die Theorie des Romans, Berlin: P. Cassirer, 1920; Hermann Luchterhand, 1968; Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2009, ARG.
    • The Theory of the Novel: A Historico-Philosophical Essay on the Forms of Great Epic Literature, trans. Anna Bostock, London: Merlin, 1962; MIT Press, 1971, ARG, 1974, PDF. (English)
  • Geschichte und Klassenbewußtsein. Studien über marxistische Dialektik, 1923, ARG.
    • History and Class Consciousness, London: Merlin, 1971; MIT Press, 1972, Log. (English)
  • Lenin, Vienna: Arbeiterbuchhandlung, 1924; repr., Hermann Luchterhand, 1967.
    • Lenin: A Study on the Unity of His Thought, trans. Nicholas Jacobs, London: New Left Books, 1970, ARG. (English)
  • Der historische Roman, 1937; rev.ed., 1954.
    • The Historical Novel, trans. Hannah and Stanley Mitchell, London: Merlin, 1962; Beacon Press 1963, ARG. (English)
    • Le Roman Historique, ARG. (French)
  • Goethe und seine Zeit, 1947, ARG.
    • Goethe and His Age, London: Merlin, 1968, ARG. (English)
  • Der junge Hegel. Über die Beziehungen von Dialektik und Ökonomie, 1948.
    • The Young Hegel. Studies in the Relations between Dialectics and Economics, trans. Rodney Livingstone, London: Merlin, 1975, PDF, ARG. (English)
  • Deutsche Literatur im Zeitalter des Imperialismus, 1945, ARG.
  • Thomas Mann, 1949.
    • Essays on Thomas Mann, London: Merlin, 1964, ARG. (English)
  • Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels als Literaturhistoriker, 1947.
  • Fortschritt und Reaktion in der deutschen Literatur, 1947.
  • Studies in European Realism, London: Hillway, 1950, ARG. (English)
  • Existentialismus oder Marxismus, 1951, ARG.
    • Existentialisme ou Marxisme, ARG. (French)
  • Deutsche Realisten des 19. Jahrhunderts, 1951, ARG.
  • Balzac und der französische Realismus (Literatur), 1952.
    • Balzac et le réalisme français, Maspero, 1969, ARG. (French)
  • Der russische Realismus in der Weltliteratur, Berlin, 1952.
  • Die Zerstörung der Vernunft, Berlin, 1954.
    • The Destruction of Reason, London: Merlin, 1980, ARG. (English)
  • Von Nietzsche zu Hitler oder der Irrationalismus und die deutsche Politik, Berlin-Spandau, 1962.
  • The Meaning of Contemporary Realism, London: Merlin, 1963, ARG. (English)
  • Solzhenitsyn, 1969.
    • Solzhenitsyn, trans. William David Graf, London: Merlin, 1970, ARG. (English)
  • Writer and Critic, and Other Essays, ed. Arthur Kahn, London: Merlin, 1970, ARG. (English)
  • Ontologie - Marx. Zur Ontologie des gesellschaftlichen Seins. Die Ontologischen Grundprinzipien bei Marx, Luchterhand, 1972.
  • Conversations with Lukács, ed. Theo Pinkus, London: Merlin, 1974. (English)
  • Umění jako sebepoznání lidstva, ed. Petr Rákos, trans. Růžena Grebeníčková, Prague: Odeon, 1976. (Czech)
  • with Adorno, Benjamin, Bloch and Brecht, Aesthetics and Politics, 1977; London: Verso, 1980, 221 pp., Log. (English)
  • Zur Ontologie des gesellschaftlichen Seins. Hegels falsche und echte Ontologie, Neuwied und Berlin/Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1971, 1973.
    • The Ontology of Social Being, London: Merlin, 1978-1980. (English)
      • Vol. 1, Hegel's False and His Genuine Ontology, 1978, ARG.
      • Vol. 2, Marx's Basic Ontological Premises, 1978, ARG.
      • Vol. 3, Labour, 1980, ARG.
        • Ontologia existenței sociale, trans. Radu Stoichiță and Vasile Zamfirescu, intro N. Tertulian, Bucharest: Politică, 1975, PDF, PDF, ARG. (Romanian)
  • Gelebtes Denken. Eine Autobiographie im Dialog, ed. István Eörsi, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1981.
    • Record of a Life: An Autobiography, ed. István Eörsi, trans. Rodney Livingstone, London: Verso, 1983, 204 pp, PDF. (English)
  • The Culture of People's Democracy, ed. Tyrus Miller, Leiden: Brill, 2012, ARG. (English)


  • George Lichtheim, Lukacs, London: Fontana Collins, 1970. (English)

