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KIBLA in Maribor is Slovenia's prime institution for the presentation and production of multimedia and intermedia art, with a year long cultural programme.

Kibla supports principles that lead to complex systems of multimedia presentation, produces and coproduces cultural artistic projects and publishes in various media formats, printed and digital.

Multimedia Centre CyberSRCeLab – MMC KIBLA was founded on the 4th of July 1996 as a project of Narodni dom Maribor and Open Society Institute Slovenia, with the legal status as a Slovenian Association for Culture and Education (ACE KIBLA).

Kibla today presents, distributes and promotes the work of the Multimedia Centres Network of Slovenia (M3C, established in 2004)in sixteen multimedia centres in different regions. Kibla operates in the field of visual and intermedia Slavic culture and art, organizes several festivals, operates galleries in Maribor and is part of the Slavic Culture Forum.
