Margareta Tillberg
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Margareta Tillberg is an art historian, university lecturer and freelance critic from Stockholm. Studied in Moscow in the early 1980s (under Andropov and Chernenko) as well as at the University in St. Petersburg (former Leningrad, Russia). Worked as an interpreter from the late 1980s. She has written numerous articles on Russian and Baltic art. Former lecturer at the Bauhaus-University in Weimar, Germany, and currently teaching History and Theory of Design. Research Associate, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, and Visiting Scholar at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin.
- Coloured Universe and the Russian Avant-Garde. Matiushin on Colour Vision in Stalin's Russia, 1932, Stockholm: Stockholm University, 2003, 406 pp. Dissertation. [1]. Review: Werner (2004), Pohlmann (2010). (English)
- Tsvetnaia vselennaia: Mikhail Matiushin ob iskusstve i zrenii [Цветная вселенная: Михаил Матюшин об искусстве и зрении], trans. D. Dukhavina and M. Iarosh, Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2008, 512 pp. (Russian)
- "Cybernetics and Arts: The Soviet Group Dvizhenie 1964-1972", 2007. [2]
- "Collaborative Design: The Electric Industry in Soviet Russia 1973–79", in "Focused": Current Design Research Projects and Methods, 2008, Geneva: Swiss Design Network, pp 233-253.
- "Matiushin i muzyka", in Avangard i teatr 1910–1920-kh godov, ed. G.F. Kovalenko, Moscow: Nauka, and Gosudarstvennyi institut iskusstvoznaniia, RAN, 2008, pp 321-346. (Russian)
- "'Be a Spectator with a Large Ear': Victory over the Sun as a Public Laboratory Experiment for Mikhail Matiushin's Theories of Colour Vision", in Victory over the Sun: The World's First Futurist Opera, eds. Rosamund Bartlett and Sarah Dadswell, University of Exeter Press, 2011, pp 208-223 & 304-307. (English)
- "Farbe als Erfahrung: Experiment und praktische Anwendung in Kunst und Wissenschaft an der Moskauer GAKhN und Leningrader GINChUK", in Form und Wirkung: phänomenologische und empirische Kunstwissenschaft in der Sowjetunion der 1920er Jahre, eds. Aage Hansen-Löve, Brigitte Obermeyr and Georg Witte, Munich: Fink, 2013, pp 209-221. (German)
- "Kandinsky in Sweden: Malmö 1914 and Stockholm 1916", in A Cultural History of the Avant-Garde in the Nordic Countries, ed. Tania Ørum, Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2013. (English)