Networked education

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  • anti-teaching, social media, web 2.0

Writings and lectures

  • Mike Wesch (2008) - A Portal to Media Literacy (video)
    "It's basically an ongoing experiment to create a portal for me and my students to work online. We tried every social media application you can think of. Some worked, some didn't."
  • Mike Wesch (2008) - An anthropological introduction to YouTube (video)
  • Mike Wesch (2007) - A Vision of Students Today (video)
    A short video summarizing some of the most important characteristics of students today - how they learn, what they need to learn, their goals, hopes, dreams, what their lives will be like, and what kinds of changes they will experience in their lifetime.
  • Jacques Ranciere (1991) - The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation (essay)
  • David Cormier (2008) - Rhizomatic Education: Community as Curriculum (essay), [1] (response)
    Following earlier attempts to theorize peer to peer learning through connectivism (by George Siemens), which Cormier finds inadequate, the author introduces a new approach: Rhizomatic Education. "If the world of media education is thought of as a rhizome, as a library à la Eco [in The Name of the Rose], then we need to construct our own connections through this space in order to appropriate it. However, instead of that solitary groping made by Brother William, we see as our goal the co-construction of those secret connections as a collaborative effort."
  • David Gauntlett (2007) - Media Studies 2.0 (essay)
  • Wesch: "I found a book that seemed to resonate with my philosophy, Teaching as a Subversive Activity, by Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner. Borrowing from Marshal McLuhan’s famous aphorism, “the medium is the message,” Postman and Weingartner argue that the environment (or “medium”) of learning is more important than the content (the “message”) and therefor teachers should begin paying more attention to the learning environment they help to create. The emphasis is on “managing” this environment rather than teaching per se." [2]


  • Platoniq - Bank of Common Knowledge (website)
  • Mobile Academy (website)
    Experiment with the forms of knowledge production and transfer in constructed public spaces.An attempt at encyclopaedic systematization of "terms and topics that played an important part in the past Mobile Academies" was a wild taxonomy of cultural, artistic, scientific, jargon, practical and common-sense based, disciplinary and non-disciplinary, acknowledged and clandestine areas of knowledge-42 topics from A for 'Aeronoutics' to U for 'Urbanism' in Arabic, Bangla, Chinese, German, English, French, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Low German, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Urdu and Viennese languages (or dialects). 1-on-1 talk between an expert and a client (100 pairs) for one euro, thirty minutes long, with an audience offered to listen to it in headphones-a model crystallized that could be the object of discussion on several agendas.It's less a performance than an event inasmuch as it doesn't present itself in confrontation with an audience that seeks consensus in reception


  1. REDIRECT Template:Art and culture