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This page lists bases and their usage counts available for this wiki. For up-to-date count statistics it is recommended that the base statistics maintenance script is run on a regular basis. For a differentiated view, see the unused or wanted base special pages.

List of bases

  1. Meta data link + of type Page (0 uses)
    • This base is hardly used within the wiki.
    • All bases should be described by a page.
    • No type was specified for this base (assuming type Page for now).
  2. MiA of type URL (11 uses)
  3. MoMA of type URL (57 uses)
  4. Modification date"Modification date" is a predefined base that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. of type Date (7,157 uses)
  5. Mumok of type URL (7 uses)
  6. NGA of type URL (19 uses)
  7. NGAAU of type URL (9 uses)
  8. NMO of type URL (3 uses) This base is hardly used within the wiki.
  9. NMS of type URL (2 uses) This base is hardly used within the wiki.
  10. NRW of type URL (14 uses)
  11. Name + of type Page (0 uses)
    • This base is hardly used within the wiki.
    • All bases should be described by a page.
    • No type was specified for this base (assuming type Page for now).
  12. Owl:differentFromThe property that determines that two given individuals are different. + of type Page (0 uses) This base is hardly used within the wiki.
  13. PhilArt of type URL (10 uses)
  14. PhilPapers of type URL (11 uses)
  15. Pompidou of type URL (46 uses)
  16. Posted on of type Date (31 uses)
  17. Preferred property labelThis base is a special base in this wiki. of type Monolingual text (0 uses)
  18. ProjectGutenberg of type URL (6 uses)
  19. Property description"Property description" is a predefined base that allows to describe a base in context of a language and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. of type Monolingual text (4 uses)
  20. Provides serviceThis base is a special base in this wiki. (0)