stelmakh in Thylstrup 2019

soon gave rise to much
more varied and widespread shadow library terrain, fueled by “enthusiastic
readers, book fans, and often authors, who spared no effort to make their
favorite books available on FIDOnet, a popular BBS system in Russia.” 12.
Stelmakh 2008, 4. 13. Bodó 2016. 14. Bodó 2016. 15. Vul 2003. 16. “In Defense
of Maxim Moshkov's Library,” n.d., The International Union of Internet
Professionals, . 17. Ibid. 18. Ibid. 19.
Schmidt 2009,

279. Srnicek, Nick. 2017. _Platform Capitalism_. Cambridge: Polity Press.
280. Stanley, Amy D. 1998. _From Bondage to Contract: Wage Labor, Marriage, and the Market in the Age of Slave Emancipation_. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
281. Stelmakh, Valeriya D. 2008. “Book Saturation and Book Starvation: The Difficult Road to a Modern Library System.” _Kultura_ , September 4.
282. Stiegler, Bernard. n.d. “Amateur.” Ars Industrialis: Association internationale pour une politique indust


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