haeckel in Barok 2014


* [![](/images/thumb/d/d6/Encyclopedie_1751_Systeme_figure_des_connaissances_humaines.jpg/116px-Encyclopedie_1751_Systeme_figure_des_connaissances_humaines.jpg)](/File:Encyclopedie_1751_Systeme_figure_des_connaissances_humaines.jpg)

Système figuré des connaissances humaines, _Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire
raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers_ , 1751.

* [![](/images/thumb/9/96/Haeckel_Ernst_1874_Stammbaum_des_Menschen.jpg/96px-Haeckel_Ernst_1874_Stammbaum_des_Menschen.jpg)](/File:Haeckel_Ernst_1874_Stammbaum_des_Menschen.jpg)

Haeckel - Darwin's tree.

Another _formalized_ and [internalized] process being at play when figuring
out a word is its [containment]. Word is not only structured by way of things
it potentially denotes but also by words it is potentially part of and those
it contains.

The fuzz around categorization of knowledge _and_ the world in the Western
thought can be traced back to Porphyry, if not further. In his introduction to
Aristotle's _Categories_ this 3rd century AD Neoplatonist began expanding the
notions of genus and species into their hypothetic consequences. Aristotle's
brief work outlines ten categories of 'things that are said' (legomena,
λεγόμενα), namely substance (or substantive, {not the same as matter!},
οὐσία), quantity (ποσόν), qualification (ποιόν), a relation


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