Dominique Moulon

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Dominique Moulon studied visual art at the Fine Art School (ENSA) of Bourges and holds a Master's Degree in aesthetics, science and technology from the University of Paris 8. Founder of the website, he also writes articles for Digitalarti Mag. He is an expert in digital cultures and has curated exhibitions for the Ars Longa Gallery and the Show Off digital art fair. Dominique Moulon teaches new media at ECV (Ecole de Communication Visuelle) and EPSAA (Ecole Professionnelle Supérieure d’Arts Graphiques et d’Architecture). He has also been a regular guest professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), the National School of Fine Arts (ENSBA) in Paris, The Fresnoy and Sciences Po. His book on contemporary art and new media was published in French by Nouvelles Editions Scala in 2011 and will be available soon as an electronic book in English. He is currently doing research at the laboratory I3M (Information Circles Media Mediations) of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis while preparing his next book on the relationship between art, technology and society. From his various trips, he brings back experiences and content allowing him to write articles, give conferences and curate exhibitions.