Helen V. Pritchard

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Helen V. Pritchard is Professor and Head of Research IXDM, HGK Basel, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, where they teach on the MA Experimental Design. They also hold an associate professorship in Queer Feminist Technoscience at University of Plymouth. Helen Pritchard's work considers the impacts of computation on social and environmental justice and how these impacts configure the possibilities for life—or who gets to have a life—in intimate and significant ways. As a practitioner they work together with others to make propositions and designs for computing otherwise. Helen Pritchard is a co-editor of Data Browser 06: Executing Practices (2018), Sensors and Sensing Practices (2019), the manual Infrastructural Interactions: Survival, Resistance and Radical Care (2022), the anthology Plants by Numbers: Art, Computation, and Queer Feminist Technoscience (2023). Together with Femke Snelting and Jara Rocha, she activates the Underground Division, an action-research collective that investigates technologies of subsurface rendering and its imaginations. (2023)
