Memory (W)hole in Banja Luka, (BiH), Museum of contemporary Art, exhibition and performance
Museum in signature - digital architecture http://www.muzeum.si/the-gesture/michal-murin%20.htm
Harald Szeemann - Memory (W)hole, from project "Your name in my signature" -
Cat Hope & Michal Murin - interview: &http://www.radioart.sk/avr/radiopage.php?id=217
Memory (W)hole in Skolje, Museum of Contemporary Art - exhibition and performance http://www.msuskopje.org.mk/?sid=664&lid=1
ARS ELECTRONICA 2004 http://www.radioart.sk/avr/radiopage.php?id=145&subaudio=4&http=0
CONTINENTAL DRIFT - London http://www.radioart.sk/avr/radiopage.php?id=163
ART´S BIRTHDAY 2006 http://www.radioart.sk/avr/radiopage.php?id=209
MEDIAWAVE - Prešov, 2006
Multiplace Stanica Zilina, 2006 http://www.pingbase.net/spip/article.php3?id_article=200
Museum of Contemporary Art Rep. Srbske - Banja Luka (Bosna i Herzegovina)