* Video Art and New Media
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Michal Murin in:
- HelmaFRODIT http://www.radioart.sk/doc/ab/index.php?pager=part3 (2006)
- LENGOW & HEyeRMEarS Meet the Radio Artists
(with Gordan Paunovi_, Pál Tóth, Martin Breindl, Norbert Math, Andrea Sodomka and Bernhard Loibner) Sound Off festival, Nové Zámky, Slovakia, http://thing.at/orfkunstradio, January 2000 INFO: The first radioart & internet live performance in Slovakia
- HERZBAUM (for J.G.) MERZmuseum, http://thing.at/orfkunstradio/PROJECTS/SCHWITTERS/EXHIBITS/cseres.html, September 1999)
Internet & Object
- LENGOW & HEyeRMEarS Meet Olga in Perry Hoberman´s „Maintenance“ Box: Inter Arma Silent Musae II.
(String ´Em Up/Rosenberg Museum, V2, Rotterdam, May 1999)
- Member of elektrik_bg mailing list from 2000.
- Digital body fog, festival Bratislava in moving, Rolland Cafe, Bratislava, 2000, Contemporary dance association, May 2000
- Double, videosculpture for public space, Gent, Experimental Intermedia, Belgium, May 1999
- Prantl on Prantl - stone on stone, Meditatívna videoprojekcia na Prantlovom kameni, Vyšné Ružbachy, Laboratorium 4, August 1998 (coo-author: P. Kalmus)
- Dark side of EI, videoinstallation, Experimental Intermedia, Gent, Belgium, May 1999, Lengow & HEyeRMEarS project
Digital architecture & ambient installation
- Contemporary Art Museum in Signature, digital architecture, virtual gallery with exhibition inside, concept, 2003 http://www.muzeum.si/the-gesture/michal-murin%20.htm
- TRANSMUSIC COMP., videoperformance, Bratislava, 1990
- Burlaci na Volge, videoperformance, project PATAFUNUS pre STV, Bratislava, 1991
- CensorSHIT II., The Feeler into the Slovak’s Soul, Tatranská galéria - Továreň, Poprad, 1993
- Zavlečenie performera preFORmiera, Performance Art Festival Malamut – Ostrava, TransArt Communication, Nové Zámky, 1995
- Mäsiarov portrét, Performance Art Festival Transart Communication, Nové Zámky, 1996
- Sound in move, Music ecofacts and artefacts from eocene to futurocene, Tatabanya, Banské múzeum, international symposium Kép-Ze-Let v Sound Bath of Viktor Lois, 1997
- Music for Piano Hotel, multimedial performance, Synagóga Šamorín, 1997
- LSSD, symposium Rites de Passage, Plasy, 1998
- MATRIXXX, (coo-author P. Kalmus), Club Ritz, Vienna, 2000
- MATRIXXX, (coo-author P. Kalmus), Festival Human Body Electronics, 2000
New media performance
- Warhol´s Dental, part of live internet project Rodere dentem dente: Hommage a Roland Barthes (by Jozef Cseres) with Bob Ostertag, Ben Patterson, Franz Hauzinger, Human Body Electronics Festival, Nové Zámky, 1999
Interactive project
- 01, computer art project for live performance, Ars Electronica, Linz, 1987
- Household International, (coo-author Jozef Juhasz), computer art, Ars Electronica, 2000
- Meditation on Prantl´s sculpture, Piešťany, 1998, (coo-author P. Kalmus), http://mujweb.atlas.cz/www/laboratorium/
- Prepared piano, Plasy, 50 sec., videoart, sound art, 1999
- Piano for Dallagret, 2 min., videoart, sound art, 2000
Lectures performance with new media
- We Think the Body Electric, Lengow & HEyeRMEarS project, Festival „Human Body Electronics“, Mucsarnok, Budapest, Hungary, October 1999
- When Piano Meets Computer or Do Current Pieces Change the Definition of Music?, Lengow & HEyeRMEarS project, Conference „When Piano Meets Computer“, Bratislava, Slovakia, April 2000
- LENGOW & HEyeRMEarS Meet Jon Rose: We Think the Body Electric, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia, April 2000
- We Think the Body Electric, Lengow & HEyeRMEarS project, Festival „EUROPATRAIN“, Fort Stuky, Krakow 2000
- We Think the Body Electric, Lengow & HEyeRMEarS project, Festival Nippon Performance Art Festival, Osaka, 2003
- MUSIX - TRONIXXX, New media and technologies in contemporary art and music, Filozofická fakulta, UK v Bratislave, 1999
- Intermedia and new media in Slovakia, conference, Media Model – Intermedia – New Image Genres – Interactive Techniques, Media Art Exhibition in the Mucsarnok, C3, 2000