A.N. Scriabin
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- See also
- Literature
- Lowell Cross, "Alexander Scriabin’s Prometheus, The Poem of Fire (1909–1910)", Program Notes for The University of Iowa Symphony Orchestra Performances, Hancher Auditorium, September 24, 1975.
- Leonid L. Sabaneev, Erinnerungen an Alexander Skrjabin, Berlin: Kuhn, 2005. (German)
- Kateřina Drajsajtlová, Světelný klavír v uměleckém díle Alexandera Nikolajeviče Skrjabina a Zdeňka Pešánka, Bc thesis, Brno, 2012. (Czech)
- Boris de Schloezer, Alexander Skrjabin auf seinem Weg zum Mysterium Boris de Schloezer, Berlin: Ernst Kuhn, 2012. (German)
- Kenneth M. Smith, Skryabin, Philosophy and the Music of Desire, Routledge, 2013, 176 pp. [1]
- Links