Adérito Fernandes Marcos
Adérito Fernandes Marcos received a five-year degree in Computer Science Engineering from the Nova University of Lisbon and a Ph.D. suma cum laude in Computer Graphics and Information Systems from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. For six years he co-operated with the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics in Darmstadt as a Guest Researcher. Between Nov. 1997 and Oct. 2005 he has been the Executive Director of the Computer Graphics Centre (CCG), an Interface Institute of the University of Minho. In this position he has leaded the transfer and establishment process of this institute at the Azurem campus of the University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal.
On behalf of CCG he received the European IST Prize 2000: Grand Prize Winner for the TeleInViVo project and also the LAVAL Virtual 2002 – “Science et éducation“ and „GRAND PRIX DU JURY 2002“, by the Laval Academy, Mayenne França, for the European project ARCHEOGUIDE.
Dr. Marcos has been the (co)founder of the following series of scientific events, namely, the CoopMedia series (workshop of Cooperative and Distributed Multimedia Systems), with a first edition organized in Coimbra 2000, and the second edition organized 2003 in ISEP, Porto; the SIACG series (Iberico-American Symposium on Computer Graphics), with a first edition organized in Guimarães, 2002, second and third edition organized in S. Paulo (Brasil), 2004; and Santiago de Compostela (Galicia), 2006, respectively; and the Artech series (International Conference in Digital and Interactive Art) with a first edition organized in Lisbon, 2004, the second and third editions organized in Vila Nova de Cerveira, 2005, and Pontevedra, 2006, respectively.
He is a professor for Applied Computer Graphics Technologies at the University of Minho, Department of Information Systems, Guimarães, Portugal. In this position he has been responsible for the design of a variety of curricula in the fields of Multimedia, Information Systems and Computer Graphics, Technology and Digital Art for undergraduate and post-graduate courses. He is the director of the new established Master Course on Technology and Digital Art. To date he supervised 4 doctoral thesis. He is author and co-author of more than four dozens of articles in refereed magazines, Conference Proceedings and Book chapters. He is the co-founder and co-leader of the Graphics and Multimodal Systems Group at CCG, a research interest group aggregating researchers from the areas of Computer Graphics, Perception, Color Technologies, Digital Arts, Edutainment, Information Visualization, Virtual and Mixed Reality and their applications.
He has collaborated with developing countries since 2000 by participating in a joint master course in information systems between the University of Minho and ISCTEM (Institute Superior de Ciências e Tecnologias de Moçambique), Mozambique. This course had two editions. He is also coordinator of the Asia-Link project “Staff and Institutional Development for the National University of East Timor” started in June 2005.
He integrated the Executive Board of the Eurographics from Jan. 2002 until Ago. 2005. Since Jul. 2002 he is a member of the Executive Board of the Eurographics Portuguese Chapter. Since 2000 he is an elected member of the Advisory Board and Board of Trustees of the INI-GraphicsNet Foundation.
Since 2000 he became a regular consultant of Agency for Innovation, the European Association INTAS, European Commission and ZGDV (German Institute for Computer Graphics, Darmstadt, Germany). He is a member of ACM/SIGRAPH and IEEE.