Alex Martinis Roe

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Alex Martinis Roe is an artist and researcher focussed on feminist genealogies, seeking to foster specific and productive relations between different generations as a way of participating in the construction of feminist histories and futures. This involves developing research and storytelling methodologies, which employ non-linear understandings of time, respond to the specific practices of different communities, experiment with the dispositives of discursive encounter, and imagine how these entanglements can inform new political practices.

She also explores these methodological concerns in collaboration with theorist Melanie Sehgal and a research group called FORMATIONS, which began in 2015 within the framework of the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. Work from her new research project Alliances (2018 - ongoing) has been exhibited at GfZK - Museum of Contemporary Art, Leipzig (solo, 2018) and in Fabriques de contre-savoirs, Frac Lorraine, Metz (2018).

Martinis Roe is a former fellow (2013-2016) of the Graduate School, University of the Arts Berlin and holds a PhD (2011) from Monash University, Melbourne. She is Head of Drawing and Printmaking at the Victorian College of the Arts and was the 2018 recipient of the Kunstpreis Europas Zukunft [Future of Europe Art Prize]. (2024)

  • To Become Two: Propositions for Feminist Collective Practice, Berlin: Archive Books, with Bolzano: ar/ge kunst, Utrecht: Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory, Amsterdam: If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution, and London: The Showroom, 2018, 280 pp. Website. Publisher. (English)
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