Louis Althusser
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Althusser, 1950. | |
Born |
October 16, 1918 Birmendreïs, French Algeria |
Died |
October 22, 1990 Paris, France | (aged 72)
Web | Aaaaarg, UbuWeb Sound, Wikipedia, Open Library, PhilPapers, Academia.edu |
Louis Pierre Althusser (1918–1990) was a French Marxist philosopher. He was born in Algeria and studied at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, where he eventually became Professor of Philosophy.
Works are in French unless otherwise stated. Green and blue links point to digital versions of publications available on Monoskop or other digital libraries (sometimes using abbreviations). |
- Montesquieu. La politique et l’histoire, Paris: PUF, 1959; 1992, 126 pp., IA.
- Montesquieu: la politica e la storia, trans. Alberto Burgio, Rome: Samonà e Savelli, 1969, 120 pp; Savelli, 1974, 121 pp; Rome: Manifestolibri, 1995, 160 pp; 2008. (Italian)
- "Montesquieu: Politics and History", trans. Ben Brewster, in Althusser, Politics and History: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hegel and Marx, New Left Books, 1972, pp 9-109, HTML. (English)
- Pour Marx, Paris: François Maspero, Sep 1965, 261 pp; new ed., La Découverte, 1996, 270 pp; 2005, 277 pp, PDF. Contains 9 essays from 1960-65.
- La revolución teórica de Marx, trans. & intro. Martha Harnecker, México: Siglo XXI, 1967, 206 pp, ARG, PDF, Scribd; 1971, 224 pp. (Spanish)
- Für Marx, trans. Karin Brachmann and Gabriele Sprigath, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1968, 216 pp; new ed. in Althusser, Gesammelte Schriften, Bd. 3, ed. Frieder Otto Wolf, trans. Werner Nitsch, Karin Priester, Klaus Riepe, Elin Sanders, Peter Schöttler, Gabriele Sprigath and Frieder Otto Wolf, 2011, 407 pp, Excerpt. (German)
- For Marx, trans. Ben Brewster, London: Allen Lane, 1969, 259 pp, MIA, HTML; Verso, 1985, 272 pp; 1996, 272 pp; 2005, 259 pp, ARG; 2010, IA, 272 pp. (English)
- Per Marx, trans. Josep Blasco, Barcelona: Lavinia, 1969, 213 pp. (Spanish)
- Per Marx, trans. Maria Turchetto, Rome: Riuniti, 1974; Mimesis, 2008, 226 pp. (Italian)
- Za Marksa [За Маркса], trans. A.V. Denezhkin (А.В. Денежкин), Moscow: Praksis, 2006, 392 pp, PDF. (Russian)
- W imię Marksa, trans. Michał Herer, intro. Adam Ostolski, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, 2009, 336 pp. (Polish)
- with É. Balibar, R. Establet, P. Macherey and J. Rancière, Lire ‘le Capital’, 2 vols., Paris: François Maspero, Nov 1965, 663 pp; repr. in 4 vol., Paris: François Maspero, 1968-73, ARG, 1, ARG, 2; PDF/1, PDF/2; and in 1 vol., Paris: PUF, 1996. Contains 2 Althusser's essays from 1965.
- with Étienne Balibar, Para leer El capital, trans. Marta Harnecker, México: Siglo XXI, 1969; 11th ed., 1974, PDF; 2004, PDF; 2010, 512 pp. (Spanish)
- with Étienne Balibar, Reading Capital, trans. Ben Brewster, London: New Left Books, 1970, 384 pp, ARG, MIA, HTML; London and New York: Verso, 1997, Scribd; 2009, 384 pp. Trans. of Vols. I and II of the 2nd ed. (English)
- Leggere il Capitale, trans. Raffaele Rinaldi and Vanghelis Oskian, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1971, 355 pp; Milan, 2nd ed., 1976, 355 pp; 1980; Mimesis, 2006. (Italian)
- with Étienne Balibar, Das Kapital lesen, 2 vols., trans. Klaus-Dieter Thieme, Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1972, 220+226 pp. (German)
- with Étienne Balibar, Czytanie "Kapitału", trans. Wiktor Dłuski, Warsaw: PIW, 1975, 442 pp. (Polish)
- with Étienne Balibar, Kako čitati Kapital, Zagreb: Centar za kulturnu djelatnost Saveza socijalističke omladine, 1975, PDF. (Serbo-Croatian)
- "Lénine et la philosophie" (with the ensuing discussion), Bulletin de la Société française de philosophie 4 (October-December 1968), pp 127-181; repr. (minus the discussion) as Lénine et la philosophie, Paris: François Maspero, Jan 1969, 58 pp; and in Althusser, Lénine et la philosophie, suivi de Marx et Lénine devant Hegel, François Maspero, 1972, pp 5-47; repr. with the discussion in Althusser, Solitude de Machiavel et autres textes, PUF, 1998, pp 103-144.
- "Lenin and Philosophy", trans. Ben Brewster, in Althusser, Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, Monthly Review Press, 1978, pp 27-68; repr. in Althusser, Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists & Other Essays, Verso, 1990, pp 167-202. (English)
- "Lenin i filozofia", trans. Jacek Migasiński, Studia Filozoficzne 11 (1979), pp 3-28; repr. Warsaw: Studenckie kolo filozofii Marksistowskiej (Uniwersytet Warszawski), 2005, PDF. (Polish)
- Lénine et la philosophie, suivi de Marx et Lénine devant Hegel, Paris: François Maspero, 1972, 93 pp. Contains 3 essays from 1968-69.
- "Reply to John Lewis (Self Criticism)", trans. Grahame Lock, Marxism Today 16:10 and 16:11 (October and November 1972), pp 310-317 and 343-348, Scribd; repr. in Australian Left Review (December 1972), pp 23-36, PDF. (English)
- Réponse à John Lewis, Paris: François Maspero, Jun 1973, 101 pp. Rewritten and expanded version.
- Para una crítica de la práctica teórica. Respuesta a John Lewis, Siglo XXI, 1974; 2nd ed., 1974, Scribd, IA. (Spanish)
- "Reply to John Lewis", trans. Grahame Lock, in Essays in Self-Criticism, New Left Books, 1976, pp 33-99; repr. in Essays on Ideology, Verso, 1984, pp 61-139. (English)
- W odpowiedzi Johnowi Lewisowi, trans. Andrzej Staroń, ZSP, 1988; Warsaw: Studenckie kolo filozofii Marksistowskiej (Uniwersytet Warszawski), 2005, PDF. (Polish)
- I marxisti non parlano mai al vento. Risposta a John Lewis, Milan, 2005. (Italian)
- "Otvet Dzhonu Lyuisu (Samokritika)" [Ответ Джону Льюису (Самокритика)], trans. Dmitriy Kolesnik and Andrey Repa, 2006, HTML. (Russian)
- Éléments d’autocritique, Librairie Hachette, 1974, 127 pp.
- Elemente der Selbstkritik, trans. Peter Schöttler, Berlin: VSA, 1975, 111 pp. (German)
- Elementi di autocritica, Milan, 1975. (Italian)
- Elementos de autocrítica, trans. Miguel Barroso, Barcelona: Laia, 1975, Scribd, IA. (Spanish)
- "Elements of Self-Criticism", trans. Grahame Lock, in Essays in Self-Criticism, New Left Books, 1976, pp 101-161. (English)
- Philosophie et philosophie spontanée des savants (1967), Paris: François Maspero, Sep 1974, 157 pp.
- "Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists (1967)", trans. Warren Montag, in Althusser, Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists & Other Essays, Verso, 1990, pp 69-165. (English)
- Philosophie und spontane Philosophie der Wissenschaftler [Schriften, Bd. 4], ed. Frieder Otto Wolf, Hamburg: Argument, 1985, 171 pp, Contents. (German)
- Filosofia e filosofia spontanea degli scienziati, Bari: De Donato, 1976, IA. (Italian)
- Positions (1964–1975), Paris: Sociales, Mar 1976, 173 pp. Contains 5 essays from 1964-75.
- Posiciones 8 - Elementos Criticos, Anagrama, 1994, 176 pp. (Spanish)
- La transformación de la filosofia, Granada: Universida de Granada, 1976. (Spanish)
- "La transformation de la philosophie", in Althusser, Sur la philosophie, 1994, pp 139-178.
- "The Transformation of Philosophy", trans. Thomas E. Lewis, in Althusser, Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists & Other Essays, Verso, 1990, pp 241-265. (English)
- "Przeobrażenie filozofii", trans. Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski, Lewą Nogą 10 (1998); repr. Warsaw: Studenckie kolo filozofii Marksistowskiej (Uniwersytet Warszawski), 2006, PDF. (Polish)
- "The Historic Significance of the 22nd Congress", in Étienne Balibar, On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, trans. Grahame Lock, London: New Left Books, 1977, pp 193-211. (English)
- 22ème Congrès, Paris: François Maspero, May 1977, 71 pp. Translation of revised version.
- "On the Twenty-Second Congress of the French Communist Party", trans. Ben Brewster, New Left Review 1:104 (July-August 1977), pp 3-22. (English)
- "Ce qui ne peut plus durer dans le parti communiste", 4 parts, Le Monde, 25-8 April 1978; repr. in expanded form as Ce qui ne peut plus durer dans le parti communiste, Paris: François Maspero, May 1978, 125 pp.
- "What Must Change in the Party", trans. Patrick Camiller, New Left Review I:109 (May-June 1978), pp 19-45. Trans. of Le Monde articles. (English)
- Lo que no puede durar en el Partido Comunista, Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1998, IA. (Spanish)
- L’avenir dure longtemps, suivi de Les Faits, eds. & intro. Olivier Corpet and Yann Moulier Boutang, Paris: Stock/IMEC, Paris, 1992, 357 pp; 2nd, exp. ed., Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1994, 573 pp. Autobiography; written in mid-1980s.
- El povenir es largo. Los hechos, trans. Marta Pessarrodona and Carles Corpet, Barcelona: Destino, 1992, Scribd. (Spanish)
- L'avvenire dura a lungo, trans. Franceso Bruno, Parma: Biblioteca della Fenice, 1992, IA. (Italian)
- Die Zukunft hat Zeit. Die Tatsachen. Zwei autobiographische Texte, trans. Hans-Horst Henschen, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1993, 412 pp. (German)
- The Future Lasts a Long Time and The Facts, trans. Richard Veasey, London: Chatto & Windus, 1993; repr. as The Future Lasts Forever: A Memoir, intro. Douglas Johnson, New York: The New Press, 1995, ARG. Trans. of the 1st edition. Review. (English)
- Budoucnost je dlouhá: Fakta, trans. Josef Fulka, Prague: Karolinum, 2001, 348 pp. (Czech)
- Initiation à la philosophie pour les non-philosophes, pref. Alain Badiou, Paris: PUF, 2014.
- Inițiere în filosofie pentru nefilosofi, text by G. M. Goshgarian, trans. Iulia Dondorici, Cluj-Napoca: Tact, 278 pp, 2016. (Romanian)
Selected articles and talks[edit]
- "Le 'Piccolo', Bertolazzi et Brecht (Notes sur un théâtre matérialiste)", Esprit 30:12 (December 1962), pp 946-965; repr. in Althusser, Pour Marx, François Maspero, 1965, pp 129-152. Written August 1962.
- "The 'Piccolo Teatro': Bertolazzi and Brecht: Notes on a Materialist Theatre", trans. Ben Brewster, in Althusser, For Marx, Allen Lane, 1969, pp 129-151, MIA; Verso, 2005, pp 129-151. (English)
- "Das Piccolo Teatro – Bertolazzi und Brecht. Bemerkungen über ein materialistisches Theater", in Althusser, Für Marx, Suhrkamp, 2011, pp 161-190. (German)
- "Réponse à André Daspre", in "Deux lettres sur la connaissance de l’art", La Nouvelle Critique 175 (April 1966), pp 141-146; repr. in Écrits philosophiques et politiques. Tome II, Stock/IMEC, 1995, pp 560-568. On the relation of art to ideology.
- "A Letter on Art in Reply to André Daspre", trans. Ben Brewster, in Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, Monthly Review Press, 1978, pp 203-238, HTML; repr. in Essays on Ideology, Verso, 1984, pp 173-179. (English)
- "Sur Brecht et Marx" [1968], in Écrits philosophiques et politiques. Tome II, Stock/IMEC, 1995, pp 541-548. Talk given at the Piccolo Teatro de Milan on 1 April 1968.
- "Über Brecht und Marx", Berliner Debatte 4 (2001), pp 52-59. (German)
- "On Brecht and Marx", trans. Max Statkiewicz, in Warren Montag, Louis Althusser, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, pp 136-149. (English)
- "De la superstructure (Droit-État-Idéologie)" [1969]. Revised extracts published as "Idéologie et appareils idéologiques d’État (Notes pour une recherche)", La Pensée 151 (June 1970), pp 3-38; repr. in Althusser, Positions, Sociales, 1976, pp. 67-125; and in Althusser, Sur la reproduction, PUF, 1995, pp 269-314.
- "Ideologie und ideologische Staatsapparate. Anmerkungen für eine Untersuchung", in Althusser, Ideologie und ideologische Staatsapparate. Aufsätze zur marxistischen Theorie, VSA, 1977, pp 108-153; repr. in Althusser, Ideologie und ideologische Staatsapparate. 1. Halbband, VSA, 2010, pp 37-102. (German)
- "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses: Notes towards an Investigation", trans. Ben Brewster, in Althusser, Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, Monthly Review Press, 1978, pp 121-173; repr. in Althusser, Essays on Ideology, Verso, 1984, pp 1-60. Translation of extracts. (English)
- Original manuscript published in revised and expanded form as "La Reproduction des rapports de production", in Althusser, Sur la reproduction, PUF, 1995, pp 19-252.
- "Ideologie i aparaty ideologiczne państwa", trans. Andrzej Staroń, Nowa Krytyka, n.d., HTML; repr. Warsaw: Studenckie kolo filozofii Marksistowskiej (Uniwersytet Warszawski), 2006, PDF. (Polish)
- "Ideologiya i ideologicheskie apparaty gosudarstva (zametki dlya issledovaniya)" [Идеология и идеологические аппараты государства (заметки для исследования)], trans. S.B. Rindina (С.Б. Рындина), Neprikosnovennyy zapas 3 (2011), HTML. (Russian)
- "Machiavel et nous" [1971], printed with subsequent revisions in Écrits philosophiques et politiques. Tome 2, Stock/IMEC, 1995, pp 42-168.
- "Finalmente qualcosa di vitale si libera dalla crisi e nella crisi del marxismo", II Manifesto, 16 November 1977. (Italian)
- "Enfin le crise du marxisme!", in Pouvoir et opposition dans les sociétés postrévolutionnaires, ed. Il Manifesto, Paris: Seuil, Pairs, 1978, pp 242-253; repr. in Althusser, Solitude de Machiavel et autres textes, PUF, 1998, pp 267-280.
- "The Crisis of Marxism", trans. Grahame Lock, Marxism Today, July 1978, pp 215-220, 227; repr. in Power and Opposition in Post-Revolutionary Societies, ed. II Manifesto, London: Ink Links, 1979, pp 225-237. (English)
- "Die Krise des Marxismus", in Althusser, Die Krise des Marxismus, Hamburg and Berlin: VSA, 1978, IA. (German)
- "Marksizm jako teoria skończona. Notatki o państwie", trans. Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski, Rewolucja 3 (2003); repr. Warsaw: Studenckie kolo filozofii Marksistowskiej (Uniwersytet Warszawski), 2005, PDF. (Polish)
Collected works[edit]
- in French
- Journal de captivité: Stalag XA/1940–1945. Carnets – correspondences – textes, eds. & intro. by Olivier Corpet and Yann Moulier Boutang, Paris: Stock/IMEC, 1992, 356 pp.
- Écrits sur la psychanalyse: Freud et Lacan, eds. & intro. Olivier Corpet and François Matheron, Paris: Stock/IMEC, 1993, 310 pp.
- Sur la philosophie, Paris: Gallimard, 1994, 179 pp.
- Écrits philosophiques et politiques, 2 vols., ed. & intro. François Matheron, Paris: Stock/IMEC, 1994-95, 588+606 pp.
- Sur la reproduction, ed. & intro. Jacques Bidet, Paris: PUF, 1995, 316 pp, ARG, IA.
- Psychanalyse et sciences humaines. Deux conférences (1963–1964), ed. & intro. Olivier Corpet and Yann Moulier Boutang, Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1996, 123 pp.
- Solitude de Machiavel et autres textes, ed. & intro. Yves Sintomer, Paris: PUF, 1998, 324 pp.
- Politique et histoire, de Machiavel à Marx: cours à l'Ecole normale supérieure de 1955 à 1972, Paris: Seuil, 2006, 393 pp.
- Initiation à la philosophie pour les non-philosophes, trans. G.M. Goshgarian, Paris: PUF, 2014.
- in Spanish
- La filosofía como arma de la revolución, Siglo XXI, 1968; 6th ed., 1974, Scribd.
- Escritos Sobre Psicoanalisis: Freud y Lacan, Mexico: Siglo XXI, 2000, 272 pp.
- La soledad de Maquiavelo, Akal, 2008, 350 pp.
- Para un materialismo aleatorio, ed. Pedro Fernández Liria, trans. Pedro Fernández Liria, Luis Alegre Zahonero and Guadalupe González Diéguez, Madrid, 2002, Scribd.
- in English
- Politics and History: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hegel and Marx, trans. Ben Brewster, London: New Left Books, 1972, ARG, HTML; Verso, 2006, 192 pp.
- Essays in Self-Criticism, trans. Grahame Lock, London: New Left Books, 1976, HTML, PDF.
- Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, trans. Ben Brewster, New York and London: Monthly Review Press, 1978, ARG, MIA, HTML.
- Essays on Ideology, trans. Ben Brewster, Verso, 1984, 179 pp; 1987; 1993; repr. as On Ideology, Verso, 2007, 179 pp. Contains 4 essays from 1964-72.
- Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists & Other Essays, ed. & intro. Gregory Elliott, London and New York: Verso, 1989, 308 pp, ARG, HTML; 2012, 320 pp. Contains 7 essays from 1965-78.
- Writings on Psychoanalysis: Freud and Lacan, trans. Jeffrey Mehlman, New York: Columbia University Press, 1996, 194 pp, ARG.
- The Spectre of Hegel: Early Writings, trans. G.M. Goshgarian, London and New York: Verso, 1997, ARG; 2013, 272 pp. Trans. of Écrits philosophiques et politiques, t. 1.
- The Humanist Controversy & Other Writings: (1966-67), trans. & intro. G.M. Goshgarian, London and New York: Verso, 2003, 320 pp, ARG. Partial trans. of Écrits philosophiques et politiques, t. 2 and of Écrits sur la psychanalyse.
- Philosophy of the Encounter: Later Writings, 1978-87, trans. & intro. G.M. Goshgarian, London and New York: Verso, 2006, 299 pp, ARG. Trans. of Écrits philosophiques et politiques, t. 1 and part of Sur la philosophie.
- On The Reproduction Of Capitalism. Ideology And Ideological State Apparatuses, trans. G.M. Goshgarian, London and New York: Verso, 2014, ARG.
- in German
- Ideologie und ideologische Staatsapparate. Aufsätze zur marxistischen Theorie, Hamburg and Berlin: VSA, 1977; exp.ed. as Ideologie und ideologische Staatsapparate. 1. Halbband, ed. Frieder Otto Wolf, Hamburg: VSA, 2010, 128 pp, Excerpt.
- Die Krise des Marxismus, trans. Peter Schöttler und Erika Töller, Hamburg and Berlin: VSA, 1978, 146 pp. Contains 4 essays.
- Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Rousseau: zur politischen Philosophie der Neuzeit [Schriften, Bd. 2], ed. Frieder O Wolf, Hamburg: Argument, 1987, 218 pp. Contains 4 essays.
- Materialismus der Begegnung. Späte Schriften, ed. & trans. Franziska Humphreys-Schottmann, Zürich: diaphanes, 2010, 144 pp. [1]
- Über die Reproduktion, 2. Halbband, ed. Frieder Otto Wolf, Hamburg: VSA, 2012, 372 pp, Excerpt.
- in Italian
- Sulla psicoanalisi: Freud e Lacan, trans. G. Piana, Milan: Cortina Raffaello, 1994, 304 pp.
- Gregory Elliott, "Bibliography of the Published Writings of Louis Althusser", in Althusser: The Detour of Theory, New York: Verso, 1987; Brill, 2006, pp 387-403, [2].
- On PhilWeb.
- At Generation-Online.org
- with Fernanda Navarro, Filosofía y marxismo, Mexico: Siglo XXI, 1988, Scribd. (Spanish)
- Lettres à Franca (1961–1973), ed. & intro. François Matheron and Yann Moulier Boutang, Paris: Stock/IMEC, 1998, 832 pp.
Monographs (selection)[edit]
- Jacques Rancière, La Leçon d'Althusser, Paris: Gallimard, 1974; La fabrique, 2012, 270 pp.
- Gregory Elliott, Althusser: The Detour of Theory, New York: Verso, 1987; Brill, 2006. (English)
- Yann Moulier Boutang, Louis Althusser. Une Biographie. Tome 1. La formation du mythe (1918-1956), Paris: Grasset, 1992, 510 pp; repr. as Louis Althusser. Une Biographie. Tome 1. La formation du mythe (1918-1945): La matrice, Paris: Grasset, 2003, 350 pp.
- E. Ann Kaplan, Michael Sprinker (eds.), The Althusserian Legacy, London and New York: Verso, 1993, 245 pp.
- Gregory Elliott (ed.), Althusser: A Critical Reader, Blackwell, 1994, DjV. (English)
- Yann Moulier Boutang, Louis Althusser, une Biographie. Tome 2. La formation du mythe (1945-1956): Ruptures et plis, Paris: Grasset, 2002, 473 pp.
- Warren Montag, Louis Althusser, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, 172 pp. (English). Review
- Katja Diefenbach, Sara R. Farris, Gal Kirn, Peter D. Thomas (eds.), Encountering Althusser: Politics and Materialism in Contemporary Radical Thought, Bloomsbury, 2013, ARG. (English)
- Warren Montag, Althusser and His Contemporaries: Philosophy’s Perpetual War, Duke University Press, 2013. (English) Review: Read.
- Aliocha Wald Lasowski, Althusser und wir. Gespräche mit Alain Badiou, Étienne Balibar, Régis Debray, Yves Duroux, Maurice Godelier, Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, Jacques-Alain Miller, Antonio Negri, Jacques Rancière, Philippe Sollers, Vienna: Passagen, 2018, 168 pp. [3] (German)
Book chapters, papers, articles (selection)[edit]
- William Lewis, "Louis Althusser", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2009-. (English)