AnarchaServer is a feminist server which contributes to the maintenance of autonomous infrastructure on the Internet for feminists projects. It is an open project, even though moderated where we privilege trust, consensus, autonomy and feminist collaboration for deciding our next adventures in inhabiting this feminist infrastructure, in synchronicity with other feminist servers initiatives. AnarchaServer has some kind of presence in different locations around the world such as calafou, belgium, france, germany, greece, iceland, the netherlands, mexico, sweden, uruguay ...
"Our politics are transfeminists, anticapitalist, decolonialist and aim at creating interspecies solidarity with other bodies, nature and machines. Our group of sysadmin is currently composed by different non-binaries, cis women and one cis men. We use English and Spanish (even-tough those are not always our first languages) for our internal communications.
AnarchaServer can provide to other feminists the following infrastructure: Blogs in the wordpress farm, Encrypted files sending, Encrypted pastebin, Standard polls and events scheduling, Online surveys, Archiving online a feminist website that will close soon, Uploading pictures and videos about cyberfeminism in our repository of collective memories...." (2023)
- Publications
- Ellen K. Foster, "Critical Engagement within Hacker and Maker Communities", in DIY, Subkulturen und Feminismen, eds. Sarah Czerney, Lena Eckert and Silke Martin, Hamburg: Alma Marta, 2020.
- Padmini Ray Murray, Naveen Bagalkot, Siddhant Shinde, Shreyas Srivatsa and Health Navigators, Maya Health, "A ‘Feminist’ Server to Help People Own Their Own Data", The Bastion, New Delhi, August 2022.
- Links