The Archive of Polish Experimental Film was established in 2000 at the Centre for Contemporary Art at Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, by Ryszard Kluszczynski. Current curator: Lukasz Ronduda.
In its essence, the archive is a research project that focuses on analyzing media-based creative expressions in Polish art, including experimental cinema from the 1920s to the present and art projects created within the electronic media realm (video art, new media art).
The archive was created as a means for collecting, preserving, renovating and reconstructing various manifestations of Polish media art. Public presentations (screenings, exhibitions) are a very important aspect of the archive`s activities, as are its efforts at building a body of theoretical and historical analysis of the materials and works it assembles, analysis which takes the form of the publications and catalogues the archive produces. At present the archive consists of approximately five hundred works.