Richard Barbrook

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Richard Barbrook was educated at Cambridge, Essex and Kent universities. During the early-1980s, he was involved in pirate and community radio broadcasting. He helped to set up Spectrum Radio, a multi-lingual station operating in London, and published extensively on radio issues. In the late-1980s and early-1990s, Richard worked for a research institute at the University of Westminster on media regulation within the EU. Some of this research was later published in Media Freedom: The Contradictions of Communications in the Age of Modernity (Pluto Press, London 1995). Between 1995 and 2005, Richard was coordinator of the Hypermedia Research Centre at the University of Westminster and course leader of its MA in Hypermedia Studies. In 1997, he was one of the founders of and is now one of the directors of the Cybersalon trust. At present, Richard is a senior lecturer at the School of Media, Art & Design at the University of Westminster.

In 1995, in collaboration with Andy Cameron, Richard wrote "The Californian Ideology" which was a pioneering critique of the neo-liberal politics of Wired magazine. In the late-1990s and early-2000s, he published a series of articles exploring the impact of the sharing of information over the Net, including "The Hi-Tech Gift Economy", "Cyber-communism" and "The Regulation of Liberty". Later he wrote Imaginary Futures, a book about how ideas from the 1950s and 1960s shape the early-twenty-first century conception of artificial intelligence and the information society. He helped to set up the Creative Workers in a World City group and wrote its first publication: The Class of the New (OpenMute, London 2006). He is now engaged in further research projects in this area with other members of the CWWC group.



  • Media Freedom: The Contradictions of Communications in the Age of Modernity, London: Pluto Press, 1995.


  • with Andy Cameron, "The Californian Ideology", Mute 1:3, London, Sep 1995; repr. in ZK Proceedings 95: Net Criticism, eds. Geert Lovink and Pit Schultz, Amsterdam, Jan 1996; revised, Science as Culture 6:1, 1996, pp 44-72, HTML. A critique of dotcom neo-liberalism. Wikipedia. [4]
    • "Die kalifornische Ideologie", trans. Florian Rötzer, Telepolis, 5 Feb 1997; repr. in Netzkritik. Materialien zur Internet-Debatte, eds. Pit Schultz and Geert Lovink, Berlin: ID-Archiv, 1997, pp. 15-36. [5] [6] (German)
    • "Kalifornijska ideologija", n.d. (Croatian)
    • "A kaliforniai ideológia", trans. Anna Lengyel, in Buldózer: Médiaelméleti antológia, eds. Ágnes Ivacs and János Sugár, Budapest: Media Research Foundation, Oct 1997. (Hungarian)
    • "L'idéologie californienne", trans. Pierre Blouin, Hermès. (French)
    • "Californian Ideology: Il dogma liberista della classe virtuale", trans. Anna Fata,, Genova, Jul 2001, HTML. Interview. [7] (Italian)
    • "A Ideologia Californiana", trans. Marcelo Träsel, rev. Giselle M.S. Ferreira, in Educação e Tecnologia: abordagens críticas, eds. Giselle Martins dos Santos Ferreira, Luiz Alexandre da Silva Rosado, and Jaciara de Sá Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro: SESES, 2017, pp 565-597; repr. as A Ideologia Californiana: uma crítica ao livre mercado nascido no Vale do Silício, trans. Marcelo Träsel, intro. Leonardo Foletto, União da Vitória: Monstro dos Mares, 2018, 43 pp. [8] (Brazilian Portuguese)

