Bojana Kunst
Bojana Kunst studied in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and is a full professor at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies / ATW – Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft, Justus-Liebig University Giessen.
She graduated in 1994 in Philosophy and Comparative Literature at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, and began to work as a young researcher in year 1996 at the Faculty of Arts, Department of Philosophy – Aesthetics. With the young researcher grant from the The Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia she completed her Master Degree in Philosophy in 1998 with the thesis The Problem of the Body in Theatre, Impossible Body. In 2002 she completed and defended her Ph.D. dissertation with the title Philosophy, Aesthetics and Art Between Organic and Technological, Aesthetics of the Body and the Art of Postmodernism. She was employed as a researcher at the University of Ljubljana (until 2009), as post-doctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp (2003–2004) and as a visiting professor (DAAD-Gastprof.) at the University of Hamburg (2009–2011).
Her primary research interests are contemporary performance, art theory, performance and politics, gender studies and philosophy of contemporary art.
Professor Kunst is a member of the editorial board of Maska Magazine, Amfiteater and Performance Research. She lectures and organizes seminars, workshops and laboratories within different academic institutions, theaters and artistic organizations across Europe, and works continuously with independent artistic initiatives, artists, groups and activists.
Her essays appear in numerous journals and publications and she teaches and lectures extensively at various universities in Europe and around the world. She has published several publications, among them Impossible Body (Ljubljana 1999), Dangerous Connections: Body, Philosophy and Relation to the Artificial (Maska 2004), Processes of Work and Collaboration in Contemporary Performance (Ed., Ljubljana 2006), Contemporary Performing Arts (Amfiteater 2006, ed. with Petra Pogorevc), Performance and Labour (Performance Research 2012, ed. with Gabriele Klein), Umetnik na delu (Maska 2012), Artist At Work - Proximity of Art and Capitalism (Zero Books - John Hunt Publishing 2015), and Življenje umetnosti: prečne črte skrbi / The Life of Art: Transversal Lines of Care (Maska 2021). (2021)
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