Branimir Stojanović
Branimir Stojanović (1958, Belgrade - 23 February 2022, Belgrade) was a psychoanalyst, philosopher and artist. He was a member of the Belgrade Society of Psychoanalysts; the founder and a lecturer at the School of History and Theory of Painting; founder and publisher of the Gray Science Book Series and the Prelom magazine; editor-in-chief of the Arhiva psihoanalize journal and the founder and member of the Spomenik Group, and also the founder and a member of the library and self-educational institute Učitelj neznalica i njegovi komiteti [Ignorant Schoolmaster and His Committees]. He published essays, texts and studies in the fields of philosophy, psychoanalysis theory, critique of ideology and art theory. He lived in Belgrade.
Projects and works (selection): School of history and theory of Images, founder and lecturer, 1999–2003; Production and distribution of pirate edition of the Serbo-Croatian translation of the book: Nicolas Bourriaud, Esthétique relationnelle, 2001; Politics of Memory, Group Monument, distributive object – participative monument, Prague Biennale, Prague, 2007; Politics of Memory, Group Monument, distributive object – participative monument, 24th Memorial of Nadežda Petrović, 2007; Šugar – Das Unheimliche, theoretical-artistic intervention into Psychoanalytical Society of Belgrade, Belgrade University of Arts and Jewish Community Belgrade, archive, conversation, lecture, 49th October Salon, Belgrade, 2008; Mathemes of Reassociation – newspaper editorial board, Group Monument, 49th October Salon, Belgrade, 2008; “The French, another small effort to become l’Organisation politique”, January 5–31, 2009, catalogue–exhibition, political-theoretical intervention, Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts, Cherbourg, 2009; Mathemes of Reassociation (Pythagorean lecture), performance–lecture, Group Monument, 15th PSi Conference, Zagreb, 2009.