Ca la Dona

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Ca la Dona is a space in Barcelona for meeting and relating, open to participation and proposals from all feminisms.

Ca la Dona is a space where political experiences, reflection and production of critical thought converge with the desire to share exchanges, discussions and activism from a feminist perspective in relation to the political and social context in which we live.

It is a space where heterogeneity is collective enrichment thanks to joint debate and where each group can organize and develop its own activities and practice the politics of relationship and networking.

It is a reference space for the Feminist Movement of Catalonia and feminisms everywhere. (2025)

About Ca la Dona
  • Alex Martinis Roe, To Become Two: Propositions for Feminist Collective Practice, Berlin: Archive Books, with Bolzano: ar/ge kunst, Utrecht: Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory, Amsterdam: If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution, and London: The Showroom, 2018. Author. Publisher. (English)