Cristian Bădiliță
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Cristian Bădiliță (born March 27, 1968) is a theologian, essayist, translator and contemporary Romanian poet.
- Academic
- editor, Convorbiri cu Schopenhauer, trans. Ana Florescu, postface Toader Paleologu, Iasi: Polirom, 1998, PDF.
- Patristique et oecuménisme. Themes, contextes, personnages, Beauchesne, 2010.
- Métamorphoses de l'Antichrist chez les Pères de l'Église, Pris: Beauchesne, 2005 (PhD thesis).
- Mircea Eliade. Encounter with the Sacred, 2nd edition, Echinox, 2001.
- Death and the Monk, Iasi: Polirom, 1998.
- Myths of Plato, Humanitas, 1996.
- Manual de anticristologie. Studii, dosar biblic, traduceri şi comentarii, 2nd edition, Bucharest: Vremea, 2011.
- Teme, personaje, sarbatori crestine si traditionale romanesti. Un ghid pentru credinciosii din secolul XXI, Bucharest: Vremea, 2014 [1].
- Poetry
- Regele cu o harfă în mâini, Curtea Veche, 2007.
- Calendar poeticesc, Editura LiterNet