Devin Fore
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Devin Fore is an Associate Faculty member of the Departments of Comparative Literature and of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Princeton University. He is an editor of the journal October, a member of the editorial advisory board of New German Critique, and a contributing editor to Germanic Review and The German Quarterly.
- Realism after Modernism: The Rehumanization of Art and Literature, MIT Press, 2012. Considers the return of mimetic figuration in German cultural production of the late 1920s.
- All the Graphs: Factography and the Origins of Avant-Garde Documentary, University of Chicago Press, forthcoming. Situates the multi-media work of Sergei Tretiakov within the material culture of the early Soviet period.
- editor, October 118: "Soviet Factography", MIT Press, Fall 2006.
- co-editor, Germanic Review 88(2): "Futurity Now", 2013. [1]
- editor, Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge, History and Obstinacy, intro. Devin Fore, trans. Richard Langston et al., Zone Books, 2014, 541 pp. Introduction.
- editor, with Matt Witkowsky, Revolutsiia! Demonstratsiia! Soviet Art Put to the Test, 1917-1937, Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 2017, 342 pp. Exh. catalogue. [2]
Papers, book chapters[edit]
- "The Operative Word in Soviet Factography", October 118, MIT Press, Fall 2006, pp 95-131.
- "Döblin's Epic: Sense, Document, and the Verbal World Picture", New German Critique 99 (2006), pp 171-207.
- "1825/1936: Consonances of Two Godunovs", Three Oranges 17 (2008), pp 18-19.
- "The Entomic Age", Grey Room 33 (2008), pp 26-55.
- "Gegen den ‘lebendigen Menschen’: Experimentelle sowjetische Biografik der 1920er Jahre", in Geschichte und Theorie der Biographie, ed. Bernhard Fetz, 2009. (German)
- "Formalism", in The Encyclopedia of the Novel, ed. Peter Melville Logan, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp 315-320.
- "Dziga Vertov, The First Shoemaker of Soviet Cinema", Configurations 18:3 (2010), pp 363-382.
- "Between Athlos and Arbeit: Myth, Production, and Cement", New German Critique 110 (2010), pp 125-152.
- "Conquistar al tiempo", trans. Jaime Blasco, Carta 2, Madrid: Museo Reina Sofia, 2011, pp 70-74. (Spanish)
- "Un ensevelissement sous les feuilles: Bebuquin II, l’autobiographie de Carl Einstein", trans. Camille Joseph, Gradhiva. Revue d’anthropologie et d’histoire des arts 14 (2011), pp 164-183. (French)
- "The Time of Capital: Brecht’s Threepenny Novel", Nonsite 10, 13 Sep 2013.
- "The Metabiotic State: Dziga Vertov's The Eleventh Year", October 145, MIT Press, 2013, pp 3-37.
- "Jenseits der Einstellung, hinter der Szene. Ejzenstein’s Generallinie", in Synchronisierung der Künste, 2013. (German)
- "An Introduction to Kluge and Negt", October 149, MIT Press, 2014, pp 3-8.
- "Die Emergenz der sowjetischen Faktographie", Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 89:3 (2015), pp 376-403. (German)
- "Biopolitics, Identity and the Public Sphere in the 1970s: Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge", in Public Servants: Art and the Crisis of the Common Good, eds. Johanna Burton, Shannon Jackson and Dominic Willsdon, MIT Press, 2016. Revised and expanded version of Introduction to Kluge and Negt's History and Obstinacy.
- Девин фор, "Сергей Третьяков: Факт", in Русские формалисты. Формы и структуры: Антология российского модернизма, Том 2, 2016, pp 203-218. (Russian)
- "On Leo Bersani: Ten Texts", October 181, 2022, pp 93–112. [3]
- "Proletarian Feedback: The Mirror of the Soviet Public Sphere", October 185, 2023, pp 5–29. [4]
- "An Interview with Julia Kristeva", V Magazine 39 (2006), pp 131-132.
- "An Interview with Valie Export", Interview Magazine 42:7 (2012), pp 268-273; repr. in Sexuality, ed. Amelia Jones, MIT Press, 2014.