Edgard Varèse
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- Ionisation for Percussion Ensemble of 13 Players, PDF.
- "The Liberation of Sound", ed. & notes Chou Wen-chung, Perspectives of New Music 5:1 (Autumn-Winter 1966), pp 11-19, PDF, HTML; repr. in Contemporary Composers on Contemporary Music, eds. Elliott Schwartz and Barney Childs, New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1967, pp 195-208, PDF; abridged repr. in Audio Culture: Readings in Modern Music, eds. Christoph Cox and Daniel Warner, New York: Continuum, 2004, pp 17-21, PDF. Excerpts from lectures given in 1936, 1939, 1959 and 1962.
- Entretiens avec Edgar Varèse par Georges Charbonnier (1954-55), ed. Pierre Belfond, 1970. (French)
- Écrits, ed. Christian Bourgois, 1983. (French)
- Henry Cowell, "The Music of Edgar Varese", Modern Music 5:2 (1928), PDF.
- Chou Wen-Chung, "Varèse: A Sketch of the Man and His Music", Musical Quarterly 52 (1966), pp 151-170.
- Frank Zappa, "Edgard Varese: The Idol of My Youth", Stereo Review (Jun 1971), pp 61-62, HTML.
- David Reed Bloch, The Music of Edgard Varèse, Yale University, 1973. Ph.D. dissertation.
- Florence Ann Parks, Freedom, Form, and Process in Varèse, Cornell University, 1974. Ph.D. dissertation.
- Sherman Van Solkema (ed.), The New Worlds of Edgard Varèse: A Symposium, New York: Institute for Studies in American Music, 1979, Log.
- Alejo Carpentier, Varèse vivant, Paris: Le Nouveau Commerce, 1980. (French)
- Heinz-Klaus Metzger, Rainer Riehn (eds.), Edgard Varèse. Rückblick auf die Zukunft, 2nd ed., exp., Munich: Text + Kritik, 1983. (German)
- Keith Tedman, Edgard Varèse: Concepts of Organized Sound, University of Sussex, 1983. D.Phil. dissertation.
- John Davis Anderson, The Influence of Scientific Concepts on the Music and Thought of Edgard Varèse, University of Northern Colorado Graduate School, 1984. Ph.D. dissertation.
- Jonathan W. Bernard, The Music of Edgard Varèse, Yale University Press, 1987.
- Takashi Koto, "Basic Cells and Hybridization in Varese's Ionisation", SONUS 7, 1987, PDF.
- David Harold Cox, Thematic Interrelationships Between the Works of Varese", Music Review 49:3 (1988), pp 205-217, PDF.
- Helga de la Motte-Haber, Die Musik von Edgard Varèse. Studien zu seinen nach 1918 entstandenen Werken, Hofheim: Wolke, 1993. (German)
- Alan Clayson, Edgard Varese, London: Bobcat Books, 2002.
- Dieter A. Nanz, Edgard Varèse. Die Orchesterwerke, Berlin: Lukas, 2003. (German)
- Jean-Claude Risset, "The Liberation of Sound, Art-Science and the Digital Domain. Contacts with Edgard Varese" [1991], Contemporary Music Review 23:2 (Jun 2004), pp 27-54, PDF.
- Felix Meyer, Heidy Zimmermann (eds.), Edgard Varèse: Composer, Sound Sculptor, Visionary, Boydell & Brewer, 2006, 500 pp. [1]
- Anne Jostkleigrewe, „The ear of imagination“. Die Ästhetik des Klangs in den Vokalkompositionen von Edgard Varèse, Saarbrücken: Pfau, 2008. (German)
- Martin Flašar, Poème électronique, 1958: Le Corbusier, E. Varèse, I. Xenakis, Brno: Masaryk University, 2012, 162 pp, PDFs. (Czech)
- Biographical
- Fernand Ouellette, Edgard Varèse, Paris: Seghers, 1966; new ed., rev. & augm., Paris, Christian Bourgois, 1989. (French)
- Edgard Varèse, trans. Derek Coltman, New York: Orion Press, 1968, 270 pp; repr. as Edgard Varèse. A Musical Biography, London: Calder and Boyars, 1973, 270 pp; Da Capo Press, 1981.
- Louise Varèse, Varèse: A Looking-Glass Diary. Vol. 1, 1883-1928, New York: Norton, 1972. Biography, written by his second wife.
- Hilda Jolivet, Varèse, Hachette, 1973. (French)
- Ruth Julius, "Edgard Varèse: An Oral History Project, Some Preliminary Conclusions", Current Musicology 25 (1978), pp 38-49.
- Odile Vivier, Varèse, Paris: Seuil, 1987. (French)
Documentary film[edit]
- Varese: The One All Alone, dir. Frank Scheffer, 89 min, 2009.
- Entry on Varèse on IRCAM's website