Federica Bueti
Federica Bueti writes essays and reviews, edits publications, teaches, occasionally curates exhibitions, and is learning to work with moving images. In collaboration with multidisciplinary artist Shuruq Harb, she worked on a short film Off You Shore Paper Trail (2024) commissioned by Busan Biennale.
She is the author of Imagination Besieged: Coloniality, Violence, and Feminism in “Mediterranean” Art and Literature (Routledge, 2025) and Critical Poetics of Feminist Refusals: Voicing Dissent Across Differences (Routledge, 2022). She is also editing a book on migration and mobility in the Calabrian experience with distinguished anthropologist Prof. Vito Teti.
She is lecturer in Anthropology at Università Mediterranea, Reggio Calabria, IT, and Writing Tutor at the MA of Fine Art at Piet Zwart Institute.
She has wide ranging interests in decolonial, feminist and Mediterranean literature, with particular focus in the poetics and aesthetics of refusal and decolonial feminist methodologies.
She was content and managing editors of the SAVVY Series, published by Archive Books. She co-edited the volumes Whose Land Have I Lit On Now? Reflections on the notion of Hostipitality, SAVVY Contemporary/Archive Books, Berlin, 2020; The Incantation of the Disquieting Muse: On Divinity, Supra-Realities, or the Exorcisement of Witchery published by The Greenbox and SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, 2017.
In 2019, she co-curated the exhibition and research project Ecologies of Darkness. Building Ground on Shifting Sand dedicated to an investigation of decolonial feminist politics and poetics, at SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, 2019.
Between 2011 and 2015 she edited …ment, a journal for contemporary culture, art and politics. She edited the volume Move…ment. On Forms of Protest and Resistance, published by Book Works, London, 2013.
Bueti regularly writes on art and social theory for international art magazines such as Ocula, BOMB, frieze magazine as well as critical anthologies and artist monographs.
She earned a BA in Cultural and Media Studies, 2004, an MA in Critical and Curatorial Studies, 2007, both from the University of Milan, and a PhD degree in Writing from The Royal College of Art, London, with a dissertation titled Poetics of Negation, on feminist poetics of refusal and radical negation.
Bueti is a fellow of the Onassis AiR; she was Writer-in-residence at Florida Art Centre, Miami, FL, 2016, and at Hordaland Art Centre, Bergen, NO, 2015. She was a Fellow of Nida Colony Doctoral School, Lithuania, 2015, and at the Summer Academy im Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern, Switzerland, 2013.
Born in 1982 in Scilla, Reggio Calabria, she currently lives in Athens and Reggio Calabria. (2025)
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