Florencia Curci
Florencia Curci is a sound and radio artist and curator based in Buenos Aires. Her work focuses on noise and rhythms as relative concepts that can configure perception, communication and subjectivity. Her interest is to open meeting spaces through sounding and listening.
Her work has been presented at Centro Cultural Kirchner, Cultural San Martín [AR], Medialab Prado [ES], Tsonami Festival[CL], Aural Festival [MX], Kunst Radio [AT] and Mayhem [DK], amongst others. Florencia completed her studies in Expanded Music at the UNSAM University, and was part of the Artists’ Program of the Torcuato di Tella University.
In 2017, she founded CASo - Centro de Arte Sonoro.
Florencia is part of Investigaciones del Futuro (IF), a non-specific institution and a permanent workshop of thought and construction in Villa Lynch, in the Buenos Aires suburbs. (2024)
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