Florian Cramer

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Born Berlin, West Germany (now Germany)
Lives in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Website Website, Mastodon, Diaspora, Vimeo, Zotero, Pixelfed

Florian Cramer [Taiwanese name 官無名] (1969), reader/practice-oriented research professor in Autonomous Art and Design Practices at Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam, Netherlands. (2025)

Florian Cramer is a reader (in Dutch: lector, in Canadian English: research chair in Research-Creation, in non-UK English: practice-oriented research professor) in 21st Century Visual Culture at Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam, Netherlands, an art and design school which is part of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool Rotterdam).

Within the research department of the Willem de Kooning Academy, he is specialized in Autonomous Practices, one of its three B.A. graduation profiles. The Autonomous Practices curriculum and projects are looking into new ways of defining, creating and experimenting with autonomy in the arts and elsewhere, as opposed to traditional, and now often problematic, Western paradigms of aesthetic and artistic autonomy.

Currently, he is a supervisor in the Dutch Professional Doctorate Arts + Creative pilot program as well as a co-supervisor of PhD candidates at Leiden University and University of Amsterdam.

He has co-supervised two research projects funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), respectively its applied-science branch SIA:

  • Autonomy Lab; this project investigates how artist/research/activist/multidisciplinary collectives give new meaning to autonomy, and how and for whom autonomy is practiced and created in their work.

Outside his school, he is an associate member of the Pearl River Delta-based 展銷場 Display Distribute collective, operating as the Rotterdam Relay Center of its 後勤慢遞 LIGHT LOGISTICS courier service. He also runs the weekly radio program Mixed Business on Radio WORM, am a student/tutor in the BananSkole and board member of Stichting Lezeren, an artist-run non-profit organization for free Dutch language and literacy courses.

He is on the academic advisory board for the arts magazine Neural and of APRJA, a peer-reviewed Open Access journal published by the media studies department of Aarhus University, Denmark, and on the advisory board of PASS, the Center for Practice-Based Art Studies of University of Copenhagen, Denmark. (2025)



Words Made Flesh, 2005, Log, PDF, HTML.
Exe.cut(up)able statements, 2011, Log, PDF, TeX.
  • The House of Nine Squares: Letters on Neoism, Psychogeography and Epistemological Trepidation (with Stewart Home), 1997.

Book chapters, papers, articles[edit]

  • "Software Art" (with Ulrike Gabriel), 15 Aug 2001, PDF; repr. in DIY Media: Kunst und digitale Medien: Software, Partizipation, Distribution. Transmediale.01, eds. Andreas Broeckmann and Susanne Jaschko, Berlin: Berliner Kulturveranstaltungs, 2001, pp 29-33 [4], repr. as "Software Art and Writing", American Book Review 22:6, Sep-Oct 2001 [5]; repr. as "On Software Art", in Rhizome, 20 Sep 2001. Written 15 Aug 2001.
  • "Post-Digital Writing", Electronic Book Review, 12 Dec 2012. Originally given as the keynote lecture at the Electronic Literature Organization conference, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 22 Jun 2012.
    • "Postdigitales Schreiben", in Code und Koncept. Literatur und das Digitale, ed. Hannes Bajohr, Berlin: Frohmann, 2016, pp 27-43. [6] (German)
  • "What is 'Post-digital'?", A Peer-Reviewed Journal About "Post-Digital Research" 3:1, Aarhus: Digital Aesthetics Research Center, with Berlin: transmediale, 2014.
  • "When Claire Bishop Woke Up in the Drone Wars: Art and Technology, the Nth Time", in across & beyond: A transmediale Reader on Post-digital Practices, Concepts, and Institutions, eds. Ryan Bishop, Kristoffer Gansing, Jussi Parikka, and Elvia Wilk, Berlin: Sternberg & Transmediale, 2017.
  • The Moral of The Xerox: Missalette (with Clara Lobregat Balaguer), Cologne, 2017. Zine. Excerpt, Excerpt.

More writings[edit]


See also[edit]
