François Laruelle

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François Laruelle (22 August 1937 - 28 October 2024) was a French (Non-)philosopher, founder of Non-philosophy or First Science which is currently better known as "Non-standard Philosophy" or Generic Science. Non-standard philosophy, while initially framed as a Science of Philosophy, is better now explicated as a unified theory of any regional knowledge whatsoever and philosophy.

Laruelle proposes a classification of his oeuvre into 5 Phases:

  • Philosophy I: Machinic and Political Materialism
  • Philosophy II-IV: Non-Philosophy or First Science
  • Philosophy V: Non-standard Philosophy or Generic Science; Remin-i-science


Adapted from bibliographies in La Philosophie non-standard de François Laruelle (ed. Anne-Françoise Schmid, Maryse Dennes & John Ó Maiolearca) and Alien Theory: The Decline of Materialism in the Name of Matter (auth. Ray Brassier).


  • Les données immédiates de la manifestation. Essai sur Ravaisson, Doctoral Thesis (Doctorat de 3è cycle), Supervised by Clémence Ramnoux, Paris X, 1969. (Revised and published as Phénomène et différence, 1971) (French)
  • Économie générale des effets-d’-être (2 Volumes), Supervised by Paul Ricoeur, 1975. (French)

Philosophie I[edit]

Philosophie II[edit]

  • Une biographie de l’homme ordinaire. Des Autorités et des Minorités, Paris: Aubier, 1985. ARG (French)
    • A Biography of Ordinary Man: On Authorities and Minorities", trans. Jessie Hock & Alex Dubilet, Medford: Polity Press, 2018. ARG. (English)
  • Philosophies de la différence. Introduction critique, Paris: PUF, 1986, 249 pp.
    • Philosophies of Difference: A Critical Introduction to Non-philosophy, trans. Rocco Gangle, Continuum, 2010, 224 pp, PDF. (English)
  • Philosophie et non-philosophie, Liège/Brussels: Mardaga, 1989. (French)
    • Philosophy and Non-Philosophy, trans. Taylor Adkins, Minneapolis, MN: Univocal Publishing, 2013, PDF. (English)
  • Théorie des identités: Fractalité généralisée et philosophie artificielle, Paris: PUF, 1992. (French)
    • Theory of Identities, trans. Alyosha Edlebi, New York: Columbia University Press, 2016, 270 pp, ARG. (English)

Philosophie III[edit]

  • Principes de la non-philosophie, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1996. (French)
    • Principles of Non-Philosophy, trans. Nicola Rubczak and Anthony Paul Smith, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. Log (English)
  • L’hypothèse non-borgésienne. Essai sur le livre et la bibliothèque, Stuttgart: Jutta Legueil, 1997. (German)

Philosophie IV[edit]

  • Le Christ futur: une leçon d'hérésie, Paris: Exils, 2002, 183 pp. (French)
    • Future Christ: A Lesson in Heresy, trans. Anthony Paul Smith, Continuum, 2010, 151 pp, PDF. (English)
  • with Philippe Petit, L'ultime honneur des intellectuels, Paris: Textuel, 2003. Interview. (French)
    • Intellectuals and Power: The Insurrection of the Victim, trans. Anthony Paul Smith, Polity, 2015, 155 pp, ARG. (English)
  • La lutte et l'utopie à la fin des temps philosophiques, Paris: Kimé, 2004, 204 pp. (French)
    • Struggle and Utopia at the End Times of Philosophy, trans. Drew S. Burk and Anthony Paul Smith, Minneapolis, MN: Univocal, 2012. PDF (English)

Philosophie V[edit]

  • Le Concept de non-photographie / The Concept of Non-Photography, trans. Robin Mackay, Falmouth and New York: Urbanomic and Sequence Press, 2011, PDF. [1] (French)/(English)
    • Koncept nefotografie, trans. Čestmír Pelikán, Fotograf 07, 2012, 82 pp. [2] (Czech)
  • Théorie générale des victimes, Paris: Fayard, 2011, 224 pp. [3]
    • General Theory of Victims, trans. Alex Dubilet and Jessie Hock, New York: Polity, 2015, xxi+151 pp, PDF. (English)
  • Anti-Badiou: sur l'introduction du maoïsme dans la philosophie, Paris: Kimé, 2011. (French)
    • Anti-Badiou: On the Introduction of Maoism Into Philosophy, trans. Robin Mackay, London/New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, Log, PDF. (English)
  • Photo-fiction, une esthétique non-standard / Photo-Fiction, a Non-Standard Aesthetics, trans. Drew S. Burke, Minneapolis, MN: Univocal, 2012, Log. (French)/(English)
  • Christo-fiction: les ruines d'Athènes et de Jérusalem, Fayard, 2013, 368 pp. (French)
    • Christo-Fiction: the Ruins of Athens and Jerusalem, trans. Robin Mackay, Columbia University Press, 2015, PDF. (English)
  • En dernière humanité. La nouvelle science écologique, Paris: Cerf., 2015. (French)
    • The Last Humanity: The New Ecological Science, trans. Anthony Paul Smith, Bloomsbury, 2020. ARG (English)
  • Théologie clandestine pour les sans-religion : Une confession de foi du non-philosophe, Paris: Kimé, 2019.
    • Invocation, pp. 7-9 (omitted from the Sackin-Poll trans.), trans. Jeremy R. Smith. (English)
    • Clandestine Theology: A Non-Philosopher's Confession of Faith, trans. Andrew Sackin-Poll, Bloomsbury, 2020. (English)

Translated Collections of Essays by Laruelle[edit]

  • The Non-Philosophy Project: Essays by François Laruelle, ed. Alkon Gabriel & Gunjevic Boris, New York: Telos Press Publishing, 2012
  • From Decision to Heresy: Experiments in Non-Standard Thought, ed. Robin Mackay, New York: Sequence Press, 2013.

Edited by Laruelle[edit]

  • Textes pour Emmanuel Levinas, Paris: Jean-Michel Place, 1980. (French)
  • La Décision philosophique, 9 issues, Paris: éditions Osiris, 1987-89. (French)
  • Du mode d’existence des objets techniques, auth. Gilbert Simondon, Paris: Aubier, coll. « RES, l’invention philosophique », 1989. (French)
  • L’individuation psychique et collective, auth. Gilbert Simondon, Paris Aubier, coll. « RES, l’invention philosophique », 1989. (French)
  • La non-philosophie des contemporains, Paris: Kimé, 1995. (French)
  • Discipline hérétique, Paris: Kimé, 1998. (French)
  • Dictionnaire de la non-philosophie,with Tony Brachet, Gilbert Kieffer, Laurent Leroy, Daniel Nicolet, Anne-Françoise Schmid, Serge Valdinoci, Paris: Kimé, 1998. (French)
    • Dictionary of Non-Philosophy, trans. Taylor Adkins, Minneapolis, MN: Univocal, 2013, PDF. (English)
  • Homo ex machina, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2005, 274 pp, ARG. (French)
  • Fabriques de l’insécurité, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. (French)


  • Foreword: Gender Fiction, trans. Anthony Paul Smith, Cut of the Real: Subjectivity in Poststructuralist Philosophy, Katerina Kolozova, New York: Columbia University Press, 2014.
  • Art Saved or Destroyed by Its Works, trans. Anthony Paul Smith, Art Disarming Philosophy: Non-Philosophy and Aesthetics, eds. Steven Shakespeare, Niamh Malone, and Gary Anderson, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021.
  • The Big and Small No: Critique of Contemporary Solutions of Difference (Deleuze and Derrida), trans. Anthony Paul Smith, The Big No, ed. Kennan Ferguson, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2022.
