Griselda Pollock
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Griselda Pollock (1949) is a visual theorist and cultural analyst, and scholar of international, postcolonial feminist studies in the visual arts. She is best known for her theoretical and methodological innovation, combined with readings of historical and contemporary art, film and cultural theory.
- Millet, London: Oresko Books, 1977.
- with Rozsika Parker, Old Mistresses: Women, Art and Ideology, London: Routledge, 1981, xxi+184 pp; New York: Pantheon Books, 1981, xxi+184 pp; new ed., London: I.B. Tauris, 2013.
- Onna āto ideorogī: feminisuto ga yominaosu geijutsu hyōgen no rekishi [女・アート・イデオロギー : フェミニストが読みなおす芸術表現の歴史], Tokyo: Shinsuisha, 1992, 282 pp. (Japanese)
- 여성.미술.이데올로기, Seoul: 시각과 언어, 1995, 253 pp. (Korean)
- Maestras antiguas: mujeres, arte e ideología, trans. Raquel Vázquez Ramil, Madrid: Akal, 2021. (Spanish)
- Maîtresses d’autrefois. Femmes, art et idéologie, intro. Giovanna Zapperi, new forew. Griselda Pollock, trans. Christophe Degoutin, JRP|Editions, 2024, 312 pp. Publisher. [1] (French)
- Avant-Garde Gambits: Gender and the Colour of Art History, London: Thames and Hudson, 1993.
- editor, Julia Kristeva 1966–96: Aesthetics Politics Ethics, Parallax, 1998.
- Differencing the Canon: Feminism and the Writing of Art's Histories, Routledge, 1999.
- editor, Psychoanalysis and the Image: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Boston and Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.
- editor, with Vanessa Corby, Encountering Eva Hesse, Munich: Prestel, 2006.
- editor, Museums After Modernism: Strategies of Engagement, Blackwell, 2007.
- editor, Victoria Turvey-Sauron, The Sacred and the Feminine: Imagination and Sexual Difference, London: I.B. Tauris, 2007.
- Vision and Difference: Feminism, Femininity and the Histories of Art, London and New York: Routledge, 2008.
- editor, Conceptual Odysseys: Passages to Cultural Analysis, London: I.B. Tauris, 2008.
- editor, with Victoria Anderson, Bluebeard's Legacy: Death and Secrets from Bartók to Hitchcock, London: I.B. Tauris, 2009.
- editor, with Anthony Bryant, Digital and Other Virtualities: Renegotiating the Image, London: I.B. Tauris, 2010.
- After-affects | After-images: Trauma and Aesthetic Transformation in the Virtual Feminist Museum, Manchester University Press, 2013, 416 pp. [2]
- editor, Visual Politics of Psychoanalysis: Art and the Image in Post-Traumatic Cultures, London: I.B. Tauris, 2013.
- editor, with Max Silverman, Concentrationary Imaginaries: Tracing Totalitarian Violence in Popular Culture, London: I.B. Tauris, 2015.
- editor, with Max Silverman, Concentrationary Art: Jean Cayrol, the Lazarean and the Everyday in Post-War Film, Literature, Music and the Visual Arts, Berghahn Books, 2019.
- Feminism: A Bad Memory?, London: Verso, 2021, 192 pp. [3]