In Out
International festival of the digital image was organized by Divus from 18th to 29th July 2003 on Old Town Square, Karolinum Gallery, Jazzclub Železná and other locations in Prague. Presented works by 120 artists. Based on interviews with presented artists and curators, Jan Zajíček created a 55' documentary Operation In Out.
Director of the festival: David Korecký, curator of the program Fotograf v zahradě
Main Curator: Pavel Vančát, theoretician, pedagog and curator
Curator: Čedomir Butina (USA), lectorer of digital photography FAMU, curator; Ivan Mečl, Publishing House Divus (contemporary art), publisher of magazine Umělec
Public Relations: Tereza Špačková, publicist in the field of culture
Production: Jiří Turek, producer of cultural events
Legal representative: Petr Javůrek, chairman of the board PPF majetková a.s.