Jörg Jewanski
Jörg Jewanski was born in Herne, Germany, in 1959. He studied in Wuppertal, Münster and Berlin and got a "Erstes Staatsexamen für das Lehramt" in 1986, and a Diplom in classical guitar in 1988. He was the only prizewinner of a guitar competition in Sablé, France, in 1988. His dissertation (Ph.D.) "Ist C = Rot?" at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin, in which he analyzed the history of connections between colors and tones, especially from the 16th to the 18th century, was published in 1999. He taught (2001-2007) music history and musicology at the Musikhochschule (Conservatory) of Münster. His research focuses on the history of colorlight music, the connection between synesthesia and music / visual arts, and the connection between music and the visual arts. In 2003/04 he was the scientific director of a combined scientific-artistic project, "Color - light - music. Synaesthesia and colorlight music" at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Zuerich, Switzerland, which was published as a book in 2006. Since 1995 he has been a collaborator of the editorial board of the German music encyclopedia Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, for which he also has published c.100 articles. He was coorganizer of music festivals, teaches guitar at a music school, and is currently working on an encyclopedia of the guitar.