Jan Baudouin de Courtenay
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Jan Niecisław Ignacy Baudouin de Courtenay (13 March 1845 – 3 November 1929) was a Polish linguist and Slavist, best known for his theory of the phoneme and phonetic alternations. Professor at the universities of Kazan, Tartu, Cracow, Saint Petersburg (where he was known as Ivan Aleksandrovich Boduen de Kurtene), and Warsaw, Baudouin de Courtenay created and elaborated the theory of phonemics in linguistics and founded the psychological (the so-called Kazan) school of linguistics.
- "Der Dialekt von Cirkno (Kirchheim) (mit Sprachproben)", Archiv für slavische Philologie 7 (1884) and 8 (1885), HTML. (German)
- Versuch einer Theorie phonetischer Alternationen, 1895, IA. (German)
- Materialien zur südslavischen Dialektologie und Ethnographie I, 1895, PDF. (German)
- Материалы для южнославянской дiалектологiи и этнографiи II, 1904, PDF. (Russian)
- Materialien zur südslavischen Dialektologie und Ethnographie III, 1913, PDF. (German)
- More works at IA
- Selected works
- A Baudouin de Courtenay Anthology: The Beginnings of Structural Linguistics, trans., ed. & intro. Edward Stankiewicz, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1972, 406 pp, PDF, Scribd. (English)
- Ausgewählte Werke in deutscher Sprache, ed. Joachim Mugdan, intro. Ewelina Malachowska, Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1984, 278 pp. (German)
- "Lettres de Ferdinand de Saussure à J. Baudouin de Courtenay", ed. N. A. Sljusareva, Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 27 (1970-72), pp 7-17. [1] (French)
- Mirosław Skarżyński, "Jan Baudouin de Courtenay and Henryk Ułaszyn in Light of their Correspondence", Studia Linguistica 127 (2010), pp 79-100, PDF. (English)
- Roman Jakobson, "Jan Baudouin de Courtenay", Slavischen Rundschau 1 (1929); repr. in Jakobson, Selected Writings, II: Word and Language, The Hague: Mouton, 1972, pp 389-393, PDF, IA. (German)
- Roman Jakobson, "The Kazan school of Polish linguistics and its place in the international development of phonology" [1960], in Jakobson, Selected Writings, II: Word and Language, The Hague: Mouton, 1972, pp 394-428, PDF, IA. (English). First published in Polish in Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Jezykoznawczego XIX (1960), based on a paper given at a meeting of the Linguistic Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences on 12 Jan 1958, in Warsaw, under the title "The Origin of the Concept of Phoneme in Polish and World Linguistics".
- Joachim Mugdan, Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845-1929). Leben und Werk, Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1984, 238 pp. (German)
- Liliana Spinozzi Monai, Il Glossario del Dialetto del Torre di Jan Baudouin de Courtenay, 2009, PDF. (Italian). With (Baudouin’s manuscript.