José Iges
Born in Madrid on 1951. Industrial Engineer, Ph.D. in Sciences of Communication, Musical Composer and Intermedia Artist.
He starts on electroacoustic music at the ALEA Laboratory in Madrid; latter on, he attends to courses of improvement in the University of Pau (France) with David Johnson (1978) and to the classes that, about "Analysis and Techniques of Contemporary Music", gives Luis de Pablo in the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid (1977-1979).
Since 1979 till 1984 he has been member of the Art and Computer Seminary and of the Madrid's group ELENFANTE. As composer and performer in "live electronics" he has given many concerts with several soloists and groups and, since 1984 till now, with the actress-singer Esperanza Abad.
In 1989 he starts his collaboration with the artist Concha Jerez on sound and visual sculptures and installations, performances, radio art works and intermedia concerts.
The main axis of his work are the interaction between traditional instruments and recorded sounds and/or live electronic, and his personal use of the theatrical and radiophonic languages.
As producer in RNE (Radio Nacional de España) he is the responsible, since 1985, of the radio program "Ars Sonora", devoted to broadcasting and production of Sound and Radio Art works. In this line, he has produced more than 60 works, among which we can mention L'Escalier des Aveugles, by Luc Ferrari, awarded with the "Prix Italia" of 1991. He also has been producer of the CD's Broaden/in/Gates (1992) and Ríos Invisibles (1994), and director of events like Ciudades Invisibles (Madrid, 1992), as well as coproducer of the events Horizontal Radio (1995) and Rivers & Bridges (1996). He is, as well, and from its creation in 1989, founder-member of the working group "Ars Acustica" of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union), and he has been the coordinator of that group (1999-2005). He has been also president of the AMEE (Spanish Association of Electroacoustic Music)
Besides his activities on different artistic fields and on production, he has been developing an intense teachig activity, giving courses, seminaries and workshops on several Universities (Fine Arts Schools of Cuenca, Granada and Valencia, Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de Madrid) and institutions (Instituto de Estética y Teoría de las Artes de Madrid, CIEJ of Barcelona, Monasterio de Poio -Pontevedra-, Fundación Municipal de Cultura of Gijón and Valladolid, Centro de Arte Reina Sofía de Madrid, Radio Educación of Mexico, Conservatorio de Cuenca) about "Sound and Visual Installations" and "Radio Art", as well as lectures, collaborating regularly on several specialized musical and artistic publications (Scherzo, Rítmo, Creación, RevistAtlántica de Poesía, El Urogallo, Doce Notas, Coclea, Transversal, Musica/Realtà, KunstMusik or Fisuras, among others, and on The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians). He is author of a book of narrative (Animales Domésticos, Ed.Libertarias, Madrid, 1987), a biography of Luigi Nono (Ed. CBA, Madrid, 1988) and a Doctoral Thesis about Radio Art (1997).
In 1997 he was the responsible of the collection of Sound Art sources for the Media Archive of the Fundació Caixa de Pensions (Barcelona). He has been also curator of the Sound Art section on Arco Electrónico, for the ARCO' Art Fairs 1997, 1998 and 1999. He was the curator of the international exhibitions of sound sculptures and installations "The space of sound/The time of gaze" (Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, San Sebastián, 1999) and "Resonances" (Museo Municipal, Málaga, 2000), as well as of the exhibition "Vostell and the Music" (Museo Vostell Malpartida, 2002-2003) and I Muestra de Arte Sonoro Español, MASE (Córdoba-Lucena, 2006) ( He has been also organizer for specialized series of concerts on Reina Sofía Center of Art (Madrid), Sala Amárica (Vitoria) and Museo Vostell Malpartida (Malpartida de Cáceres) .