Julia Dmitryukova
Born in Moscow in 1972, in the family of electronic engineers. Composer, musicologist. Graduated from the Musical College (attached to the Moscow Conservatory) in 1991, majoring in music theory. Since 1987 she studied musical composition under leading of Tikhon Khrennikov's assistant, Tatyana Tchudova. Graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1997, majoring in musicology, writing a diploma paper about computer music. Now she is a post-graduate student at the Moscow Conservatory, working on the dissertation project "Electro-acoustic music of 1970-90-es: aesthetics, method, and style" under leading of prof. Alexander Sokolov.
She has been working in Theremin Center for Electro-acoustic Music since February 1993. Her interests in EAM are both in composition and music theory. In 1993 wrote a term-paper "Electronic Music and Karlheinz Stockhausen" which was prized at All-Russian Sollertinsky competition in Novosibirsk, approved by the composer and recently published. She is the author of two articles in the collection "Russian Electronic Music" which is going to be published by Harwood Publishers in London.
Among her electronic compositions are several radio-dramas, works for tape, for instruments and tape. Among her radio-projects are: "21 tanka by Ishikawa Takuboku" (together with "Odd and Even" theater, 1994), "Marriage" by Gogol (Polish Radio, 1996); "Inability To Speak or The Language of Liberated Humanity" on futurists' texts (for WDR in Cologne, 1997). She was a stipendiat of Akademie der Kuenste of Berlin-Brandenburg in1995. Studied in GMEB, Bourges, in 1996. Took part in festivals: Prix Futura (Berlin, 1995), Werkstatt Elektroakustischer Musik (Berlin, Akademie der Kuenste, 1995), Alternative (Moscow,1996), Moscow Autumn (1996). Her works were broadcasted in Russia, Belgium and Germany.
Plays piano and organ. Played organ in Moscow Catholic church in 1993-95. As an arranger and singer participated at the festival of modern Christian music "Favor" (Moscow, 1994). Works as a pianist in Moscow Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Opera&Ballet Theater.