Kees Tazelaar
Kees Tazelaar (1962) was taught at the Institute of Sonology from 1981 to 1983 (Utrecht) and from 1987 to 1989 (The Hague). He subsequently studied composition with Jan Boerman at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, graduating in 1993. Since then Tazelaar has been teaching at the Institute of Sonology. He is head of Sonology since June 2006.
In addition to his own autonomous works, he has contributed to music theatre projects by Dick Raaijmakers (Die glückliche Hand geöffnet, Scheuer im Haag) and Theatergroep Hollandia (Perzen, Varkensstal). In recent years he has also been occupied intensively in the restoration and reconstruction of major electronic works from the past. In his specially equipped studio new versions have been made of compositions by Gottfried Michael Koenig (Klangfiguren II, Essay, Terminus), Jan Boerman (Kompositie 1972, Ruïne), Edgard Varèse (Poème Électronique), Iannis Xenakis (Concret P-H), György Ligeti (Pièce Électronique no.3, Artikulation), Luctor Ponse (Concerto voor Piano en Band).
Since June 2005, Tazelaar is a visiting research fellow of the University of Bath, UK, and as such participated in the VEP (Virtual Electronic Poem) project.
During the winter semester of 2005-2006, Kees Tazelaar filled the Edgard Varèse Guest Professorship at the Technical University of Berlin.