Kunst und technik
[kunst und technik] architecture / media / modern life is a team of architects, artists and designers, based in Berlin. Founded in 1996. In 1996-2000 located in a former laboratory building in Monbijou Park on the Spree River in Berlin-Mitte; since 2000 in a project office in Berlin-Mitte. It works on, with, and between the intersections of art, architecture, visual communication, real and virtual spaces. Beside the development of its own projects a place for exhibitions and events on the topic of cutting-edge technology and culture, with an affiliated club (to the demolition of the laboratory building, spring 2000).
Members: Jan Edler, Tim Edler, Jonathan Garnham, Rainer Hartl, Frank Hühnerkopf, Martin Janekovic, Andreas Klockmann, Juliane Kühn, Uwe Rieger, Helle Schröder.