Ladislav Železný
Ladislav Železný (*1979) was born in the south of Bohemia (Jindřichův Hradec) and currently lives in Prague. He graduated from the Secondary Art School of Ceramics, intermedia school PaedDr. Jan Svoboda, Faculty of Fine Arts - Technical University in Brno in video and multimedia department with Keiko Sei (1998-2001), Peter Rónai (2001-2003) and Richard Fajnor (2003-2004). He worked as an assistant for audio applications at the Faculty of Fine Arts Brno, an external teacher for Audio technology at the same faculty and currently works as a sound designer, music director and producer for radio drama department on the Czech Radio. His work concentrates on sound art, listening, soundscapes, gathering sound, sound footage and sound specific, handmade musical instruments, technologies, experiments and manipulation of sound as non-visual and non-verbal media, sound and music composition for short films, theater, and radio drama, audio maps, internet radio broadcasting, and the Ether. In the past, member of Auvid and Lemurie TAZ.
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E-mail: entita(at)
2008 | Before During After, sound memory composition for Czech radio - looking for layering pieces, interactive sound design for non-verbal performances, choreography Olga Škochová-Bláhová (divadlo Alfred ve dvoře, CZ) | Other mornings, music composition for the dance theatre, choreography Pierre Nadaud; Dance Studio, Banská Bistrica, SK | 2009 | reconstruction of a flat | 2010 | Monkey King, music and sound composition for intermedia instalation (Expo 2010, CHN) | Prix Bohemia Radio, a national award in the category radioART (ex equo Pavel Novotny) | 2011 | Concert in the dark, Alta - Hall 30, Prague | Monoskop No.3, music composition for the Martin Buřil short film / PAF Olomouc | 220 Sound layers in five minutes, soundscape for the project "Europe - a sound panorama", Deutschlandradio Kultur and GoetheInstitut Belgrade | Intesity of Invisible, music for dance theatre, Institute of Intermedia Prague | 2012 | SONic situation, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, concert with Michal Rataj | NOISE, radiophonic composition, text/concept by Hana Železná, Radioatelier / ČRo 3 - Vltava | Head against the wall, interactive instalation for J. Cage anniversary exhibition, Bludný Kámen, Opava CZ | 2013 | Spectral Shapes, combined concert, NoD, Praha; release of new Michal Rataj’s CD | wakushoppu . NARU TIGAMA impravosation sound performance, Kafé v Lese, Praha | OSMOSIS, multichannel sound instalace curated by Miloš Vojtěchovský and Daniel Vlček, MeetFactory, Praha | ECHOFLUXX festival, OEM arts soundperformance, gallery Trafačka