Leonard Woolley

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Sir Leonard Charles Woolley (April 17, 1880 – February 20, 1960) was a British archaeologist, best known for his excavations at Ur in Sumer, ancient Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq). His work resulted in some of dramatic discoveries, including royal tombs, which revealed much about ancient Mesopotamian culture, including Queen Pu-Abi's jewelry and other beautiful, valuable items. The discovery of her well-preserved tomb allowed Woolley to reconstruct the nature of her funeral ceremony, which included the burial of her attendants, who died in order to continue serving her in the afterlife.


  • Carchemish—Report on the Excavations at Jerablus on Behalf of the British Museum: The Town Defences, British Museum Press, 1921.
  • Ur of the Chaldees: A Record of Seven Years of Excavation, Ernest Benn Ltd., 1929.
  • Abraham: Recent Discoveries and Hebrew Origins, Faber and Faber, 1936.
