Marko Batista
Ljubljana based mixed-media artist born in Tito's Yugoslavia. At the end of the year 1997 he is accepted to ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS in Ljubljana under the guidance of professor BOJAN GORENEC. The result of collaboration with professor Borut Vogelnik, Bojan Gorenec, Joze Barsi, Sreco Dragan and artists Vasja Lebaric, Andrej Kamnik was a participation at the LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA 50th International Art Exhibition: VV2 <RECYCLING THE FUTURE> in June 2003. Texts, discussions and photo documentation was published in a book entitled PHOTOFINISH (Batista M., Kamnik A., Lebaric V.; 2004) in collaboration with Tomaz Kucer. In 1998 together with Miha Horvat (son:DA) founded multimedia group KLON:ART:RESISTANCE. Exploring moving images and digital sound environments they presented several projects at festivals, galleries and different urban places.In December 2000 FORUM STADTPARK (Gratz - Austria) and MKC Maribor invited Klon:Art:Resistance members in Gratz as a part of the introducing young conceptual artists of slovenian contemporary video art.