Michael Nardone

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Michael Nardone is a writer and editor based in Montréal.

He is the author of two books of poetry: The Ritualites (BookThug, 2018) and Transaction Record (Gauss PDF, 2014).

A postdoctoral research fellow at the Université de Montréal, Nardone completed a PhD at Concordia University’s Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, an MFA in Writing at the University of Victoria, and a BA in Philosophy at Boston University.

He is co-editor of the Documents book series published at the Centre for Expanded Poetics, and co-editor of Amodern, an open access scholarly journal dedicated to media, culture, and poetics.

His writings on poetics, media, and sound have appeared in the books Critical Creative Writing (Bloomsbury, 2018) and Public Poetics (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2015), and have been published in the following scholarly journals: Leonardo Music Journal, English Studies in Canada, Jacket2, College Literature, OEI, Theatre Research International, Canadian Literature, and Amodern. Other writings, dialogues, and editorial projects have appeared in journals such as The Chicago Review, e-flux, Tripwire, 032c magazine, The Capilano Review, textsound, n+1, Cordite, Oxford Poetry, Event, Maisonneuve, The Coming Envelope, Lemon Hound, The Conversant, and Le Merle.

Nardone has contributed to a number of contemporary art institutions whose exhibitions have explored the aesthetics of language and the materiality of writing, including La machine qui enseignait des airs aux oiseaux (Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, 2020), So So Silky Silky Silk (SBC Gallery, Montréal, 2018), Reading Matters (Printed Matter, New York, 2016), Future Concrete (Unit/Pitt, Vancouver, 2016), Concrete Scores (Open Space, Victoria, 2014), and The Dark Would (Whitechapel Gallery, London, 2013). His reviews of contemporary art have appeared in frieze, Camera Austria, BlackFlash, Canadian Art, and Mousse Magazine’s Vdrome.

Current projects include a book on aurality, a monograph on contemporary poetics, and a collaborative work with the choreographer and live artist Dana Michel. (2022)
