Nico Carpentier
media sociologist working at the Communication Studies Departments of the Free University of Brussels (VUB) and the Catholic University of Brussels (KUB). He is co-director of the VUB research centre CEMESO and a board member of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA - formerly ECCR). His theoretical focus is on discourse theory, his research interests are situated in the relationship between media, journalism, politics and culture, especially towards social domains as war & conflict, ideology, participation and democracy. His publications include the following books and articles Médias et citoyens sur la même longueur d'onde. Initiatives journalistiques favorisant la participation citoyenne (2002, in Dutch & French); Community media: muting the democratic discourse (2003); BBC's Video Nation as a participatory media practice (2003); Media in movement, 22 journalistic experiments to enhance citizen participation (2004, in Dutch & French); The ungraspable audience (ed.)(2004, combined Dutch & English); Identity, contingency and rigidity (2005); Towards a Sustainable Information Society. Deconstructing WSIS (ed.)(2005); Reclaiming the media: communication rights and democratic media roles (ed.)(2006); Researching media, democracy and participation (ed.)(2006) and Discourse Theory and Cultural Analysis. Media, Arts and Literature (ed.)(in press). Lives in Brussels.