Rabih Khalil
Born in Beirut in 1974, Rabih Khalil has been teaching Visual Arts at Collège Saint Joseph - Antoura - Lebanon, where he also mentors kindergarten teachers in Visual Arts workshop. His work consists of showing the oddness of contradiction, witch, according to him, is nothing less than the marrow of existence itself. In his production, he juxtaposes meaning and no-meaning as both the ingredients of a visual logic. Regardless of the kind of media he uses in his work; be it digital or traditional, that logic is there. Rabih Khalil has been conducting a philosophical research with an esthetic approach which will soon come out in a book. His work is exhibited in varies galleries in Lebanon such as: International Art Center, Kulurzentrum, L’Entretemps, Ajial Art Gallery etc. Rabih Khalil graduated from the Institut des Beaux-Arts II (Université Libanaise) in Beiut-Lebanon-major: Visual Arts. He also pursued studies in History of Italian Cinema and architecture at the Università per Stranieri di Siena (Italy). Currently, he lives and works in Lebanon.